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沒有social security 也可以申請信用卡 +

bobyang 發表於 2009-6-25 16:20:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 15938|回覆: 0
Post #4
You wroteon May 27, 2009 at 9:29am
------------沒有social security 也可以申請信用卡 +

在美國,信用太重要了,不只貸款,開戶,連租房子,申請電話都非常有幫助。 我一直鼓勵來美國的學生申請信用卡,因為這是累計信用的最好時候。 (不是 debit 卡,或銀行有更多錢都沒用). 如果學生時候不申請,以後就很難申請了。一般信用卡都是不用年費的,所以你就去申請不用年費的學生卡就好了,都很容易過,我的經驗是:
1. 記得填寫“居民”
2. ”有收入“就是爸媽給的如房租,零用錢,學費...反正就是大概你拿到多少錢一年,他們也不回查ㄉ~

1. 用目前的銀行辦,可是大都要收年費
2. 到學校學生生活中心或網路的填寫表格學生信用卡表格
3. 到網路或銀行辦理 secure card
4. 辦理Macy's, Sears 之類的月底交錢的卡 (但是消費也不多,所以信用累計會很慢)

還有,如果你有如safeway卡,信用卡,現金卡之類的,記得到 註冊(政府的),你有可能拿到跟多的折扣,還有他會幫你錢放到一個”學生花費”戶頭,之後這筆錢可以自己用或是轉給別人,也可以轉給自己的小孩之類的

如果你是 UH 學生 This is your credit union: 你們的福利很多,幾乎都是免費的,而且在這是聯邦的,所以到任何的credit union都可以用,到任何的first hawaiian bank ATM 領錢都不用費用,他們是有合作的.

沒有social security 也可以申請信用卡






不是在911之後(而是從1996反非法移民聲浪開始. ) ,大概所有拿F1的人都沒有SSN(除非你有RA/TA...) 但即便你有SSN,你的credit history大概也是null


俗話說得好,萬事起頭難以Bank Of America為例,有一種信用卡是要押金的

但可別把這個和debit card搞混,debit card你消費是從押金裡扣
扣到完你就不能用了,這樣子是沒有辦法累積credit history的






其實用debit card也可以,但是總覺得,反正都要消費,何妨累積信用

之後你要買車,買房子,貸款or ....
只要你要跟銀行往來,你沒有credit history,都會吃虧很多

你有SSN,你一開始的的credit history也是null,差別只是證明你有繳稅


推 july:那種需要押金的信用卡叫做 Security Card,應該每家銀行都有 09/10 02:28
推 maxisam:而且要問清楚有沒有年費 09/10 04:46
推 sultan:我是在HSBC開戶,前幾天接到通知我的信用卡過了,額度$500 09/10 06:00
→ sultan:我現在還沒有SSN,不過我有定存了一筆錢,不知道是否因為這樣 09/10 06:01
推 tamader:我額度一千 CITI的 我也沒SSN 09/10 11:50
推 marathons:Secured Credit Card存款押金等關卡才能關帳戶拿回押金. 09/10 15:57
推 marathons:越來越難辦SSN非因9/11,而是從1996反非法移民聲浪開始. 09/10 16:00
推 dahw:我在今年新生的orientation聽BOA的人說的是,辦security card 09/13 02:03
→ dahw:的好處是,如果你一段時間信用良好 他會幫你升級成一般的 09/13 02:03
→ dahw:credit card 所以不失為一個好方法-如果辦不到SSN的話

---------------------------------- ... ithout-ssn-1273.php


You are not REQUIRED to disclose your SS# to get a credit card, open a bank account, etc.

Most of these financial entities want you to blv so, but under the Social Security Privacy law, a bank can not deny you privileges and rights because you refuse to disclose a number, which only identifies a government trust fund established for an individual. Social security numbers are only for that purpose, for the businesses of the the Social Security Administration.

In small claims court, you can, under this Privacy Act, sue and rcv a guaranteed $1000 for each offense. The majority of low level bank employees and managers do not know this, but most executive level employees do.

What you do is send a professionally written letter to the bank vice president, including the statement that this letter is being sent under the Privacy Act laws regarding Social Security numbers, and that you are seeking the right to open up a bank account at his/her institution, and would like him/her to set up an appointment with one of the bankers to open up a bank account at his bank. The executive will naturally brief the banker about alternative methods like using dummy numbers (which many banks have at their disposal), call you to set up a time, and you get your bank account. If they refuse, going to small claims court is cheap and requires no lawyer and you are guaranteed by this Privacy Act of monetary damages. In nearly all cases, the bank will back off.

With credit card applications, in the entry for your SS#, write SEE ENCLOSED LEGAL NOTICE, and submit the application along with a copy of the Privacy Act. Send by Certified mail along with Return Receipt. Some credit card companies will call you back and tell you what documentation and proof of imcome you will need to send to them, including references, employer statements, copies of W-2 (with SS# scratched off), etc. You might get lower than average credit limit but it works. The rest of the companies will deny your application, at which you either can send a leagl warning letter (nicely yet tactfully) explaining that you will sue for the Privacy Acts guaranteed award amounts in small claims court if they do not allow alternative means of proving ability to pay. Some of the card companies will back off. The rest of them you will make $1000 each offense.

Also, if any institution backs down after you file suit, follow through with the suit to get their penalties and then get your credit card.

A better way to avoid these procedures is to file for an ITIN from the IRS. You will have to build some credit history on the new number before getting a credit card, but you can get a bank account right away.

Keep searching on Google to find more information. The misinformation is out there as well as the information. It is a matter of distinguishing the two.

There are several companies that offer a Pre-Paid Debit Card. Since the Patriot Act, no banks will issue a bank account, or a credit card without having a Personal Identification Number. All banks accept a passport number as a Personal Identification number. You should be able to get a Pre-Paid Visa Debit card with NO ID at all. If you want a Credit Card, you will need to open a US Bank acccount using your Passport ID.
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