well, a walk shouldn't be a reason for divorce, should it?
我要擔心肚裡孩子是否健康-> he (the husband) should also do that
生產後要努力恢復身材使丈夫不嫌棄-> he should love her first, before loving her body.
我要照顧小孩生活起居 -> he should also do that
我要比小孩晚睡而比小孩早起-> he should also do that
我要半夜起床餵奶 -> he should also do that
我還是要忙一切家事 -> he should also do that
我要放棄事業 -> she doesn't have to, unless he promise to be nice to you...
丈夫出門享樂而我得在家帶小孩 -> he should stay at home or treat you extra nice
甚至於走樣的身材是丈夫外遇的藉口 -> he should stick to the promise of love or this marriage will fail soon or later.
well, she should have made a list of these and make sure he promise to do so....
the problem is why should she trust his promise?
Dose he want to improve himself?
or dose she want to improve herself... everyday or not at all?