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有人修過ELEN 261(fundamentals semiconductor

me303121 發表於 2005-5-12 10:08:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 5666|回覆: 5
如題, 課會很難嗎? 或是老師很XX嗎?  我想在summer session修ㄟ, 請大家給點意見  謝謝
Skywalke 發表於 2005-5-13 20:45:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Well, the question is why you take this class? If you are already a student of EE background, Do not waste time and money for this class. As what I know, almost no one ever take this one (I mean the students from Taiwan).
There should be other classes in summer quarter better than this. Otherwise, go back to Taiwan for vacation is also not a bad idea.
Blueted 發表於 2005-5-14 12:10:44 | 顯示全部樓層
^^ 一針見血的建議ㄝ
我看me同學 你還是別拿好了......
me303121 發表於 2005-5-14 13:27:41 | 顯示全部樓層
我也不大想修阿, 可是我以前是唸機械的, 現在唸EE(想走analog design), 而264(semiconductor device theory)是analog必修, 且要先修261才能修264, 所以我很困擾. 如果我直接去修264, 以我機械的背景加上我破爛的英文, 會死得很慘嗎? 拜託大家給點意見, 謝謝  謝謝
Blueted 發表於 2005-5-19 09:55:31 | 顯示全部樓層

EE 學長的建議 我幫忙forward

I do not mean to depress you, but base on your background, analog
design is not a good choice for you. You better think it twice.

But if you insist to focus on this field. My suggestion is learn the
semiconductor physics by yourself. Every analog design books will talk
about device physics in the first one or two chapters. It should not
be too hard for you. On the other hands, professors also will do the
review when they begin the analog design class. So I still do not
think you should waste money to take ELEN 261, even 264. Just make all
your effort on 252 to 254, and 351. By the way, Dr. Shuba's ELEN 351
is really great, do not miss it.

But go back to the fundamental question, You do think you want to take
analog design as your career? Base on your background, I do think you
should consider  digital design. The barrier is not that high.

Hope these words can help
me303121 發表於 2005-5-22 15:26:21 | 顯示全部樓層
恩, 我了解了, 我會好好考慮學長給的建議的. 謝謝學長:adore:
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