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SCU :: ELEN 251 Transistor Models 2006 S

zidkenu 發表於 2006-6-28 20:29:08 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 5912|回覆: 0
SCU :: ELEN 251 Transistor Models 2006 Spring
Instructor: Samar Saha
Unit: 2
Recommendation: 4 out of 5
MOSFET Models for VLSI Circuit Simulation - Theory and Practice by Arora, 1993
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, Tsividis, 2E, Oxford Univ Press 1999/2003
Grading: homework 20% Midterm 30% Project 20% Final 30%

Class Description: Based upon Semiconductor Device Theory I & II, Prof Saha quickly went thru pn juction and diode model, then heavy derivation for current, gain, base transport, emitter efficiency, Gummel Number, heavy doping effect & band-gap narrowing, transit time.
EM models and parameter extraction;
Gummel-Poon BJT model and parameter extraction, small-signal models, VBIC model;
MOS capacitance, CV characteristics;
threshold voltage, small geometry effects, poly-depletion effects, non-uniform channel doping, mobility model; Pao-Sah model, charge sheet, piece-wise drain current (BSIM3/4) models;
hot-carrier effects & substrate current modeling, parasitic models, PSP model;
Dynamic MOS models: long and short channel models and capacitances

Project: 90nm CMOS BSIM4 Models using Aurora/DesignSphere
Conclusion: toughest class among Semiconductor Device Theory I & II, extremely heavy in mathematic derivations and parameters, homeworks are about the same, but midterm and final are completely different from last 3 years, but this is a required class for analog concentration. Project is ok, run simulaton ok at school dc =)
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