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公告 公告: 2007-9-8 主機修復說明 Hua 2007-9-7    
Sticky III 隱藏置頂文章 預覽 USTSU愛心接機團隊組員名單[2014-8-18 更新] digest  ...234 Hua 2007-3-8 32166667 Hua 2013-12-28 22:00
Sticky II 隱藏置頂文章 預覽 請有房出租的發文者協助與注意事項 (2013-1-21 updated) ethanbmwx5 2011-9-28 357513 hc272159004 2016-5-3 22:44
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 求租2個獨立房間 selina3345678 2017-3-21 03704 selina3345678 2017-3-21 01:22
預覽 [room/share wanted] 尋人合租 靠近 san ramon, dublin, walnut creek movesanramon 2016-8-3 03592 movesanramon 2016-8-3 09:06
預覽 [room/share wanted] 求租Fremont(近NPU 走路或公車可達皆可) hy951 2016-2-5 03483 hy951 2016-2-5 23:50
預覽 [room/share wanted] 寻找concord dvc附近的单人房 ted0210 2014-12-2 04232 ted0210 2014-12-2 14:14
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 求租Fremont近NPU一房 lohass100 2014-8-19 03999 lohass100 2014-8-19 07:48
預覽 [apts/house wanted] alameda city 求租 ritawang 2014-7-23 03931 ritawang 2014-7-23 08:01
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 离AAU四十分钟内车程地段求租两室一厅 quanquan7894 2014-6-30 03806 quanquan7894 2014-6-30 23:59
預覽 [sublet/temp wanted] 暑期短租 sf2014 2014-2-24 04228 sf2014 2014-2-24 19:28
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 求租condo/apartment in Emeryville kasimtan 2013-12-27 05274 kasimtan 2013-12-27 16:47
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 求女性室友合租1或2房公寓. dora116 2013-10-21 04225 dora116 2013-10-21 19:59
預覽 [room/share wanted] 需要租房間二月底前搬入 attach_img Lei 2013-2-2 04681 Lei 2013-2-2 00:21
預覽 [room/share wanted] 找尋分租公寓或套房 (Berkeley) King892172 2012-10-11 05637 King892172 2012-10-11 23:50
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 徵求 fremont town home 或 single house heatlevel  ...2 台勞 2012-9-17 1111793 rogerhuang 2012-9-22 11:24
預覽 [room/share wanted] 徵分租公寓或套房 (Berkeley) metsay 2012-9-13 05964 metsay 2012-9-13 08:40
預覽 [room/share wanted] 一對couple找studio or 大間的master suite adanny 2012-6-25 05328 adanny 2012-6-25 16:39
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 求租暑期住房 bablit 2012-6-5 05202 bablit 2012-6-5 10:48
預覽 [room/share wanted] 已找到 ekim9d 2012-5-27 05944 ekim9d 2012-5-27 06:41
預覽 [sublet/temp wanted] 想租小套房或單人房 Berkeley jed 2012-3-11 05942 jed 2012-3-11 20:49
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 想租暑假短期 one bedroom apartment or Condo or Studio (No share room) 郭心琪 2012-3-1 16384 郭心琪 2012-3-1 20:38
預覽 [Others] 找人合租(fremont) yosautin 2012-2-28 05624 yosautin 2012-2-28 18:51
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