作者: ethanbmwx5
檢視: 58245|回覆: 3


請有房出租的發文者協助與注意事項 (2013-1-21 updated)

ethanbmwx5 發表於 2011-9-28 21:36:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 58245|回覆: 3
張貼租房廣告注意事項: (2013-1-21 updated)

1. 為有效協助尋找租房的同學
所有出租房的發文者(房東)在找到房客後, 請通知版主協助鎖帖, 或使用回覆方式告知房子已經出租, 這樣就不會有同學再次發文詢問, 甚至傳EMAIL等連絡方式打擾發文者(房東)

2. 房東的貼文內容請遵守法律, 避免遭有心人陷害
The federal Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Amendment Acts (42 U.S. Code 3601-3619, 3631) and many state and local laws, prohibit a landlord from selecting tenants based on certain criteria. A landlord may not refuse to rent to a tenant for the following reasons:
◾Race or color
◾National origin
◾Disability or handicap, including physical and mental impairment
◾Sex, including sexual harassment
◾Familial status (includes protection for people with children under age 18 or pregnant women)

In addition, state and local housing discrimination laws may offer coverage beyond federal law, such as protection for sexual orientation, age, and marital status.

謝謝大家幫忙, 也祝大家都能找到理想的房客喔!
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