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Welcome to the Davis Tsunami Relief Fund

danny803 發表於 2005-1-12 10:44:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 6229|回覆: 0
On January 23rd from 12pm to 9pm

At the Cantina Del Cabo, 139 G Street, Davis

A Davis area benefit dinner to aid victims the December 26th tsunami in South East Asia

The goal is to raise $50,000 to be distributed through Rotary International's Relief Fund

Tickets are now on sale: Students and Youth $15, Adults $25

Tickets are available through community and UC Davis organizations, DavisChamber of Commerce, B & L Bike Shop, Davis Food Co-op, and at Cantina Del Cabo.

Meal choices include chicken and vegetarian.

Sponsors are being sought to work with the Cantina in underwriting dinner costs so 100% of ticket sales can go toward relief.

For info, comments, or donations call 530-756-2226
CONTACT: Sapana Shende (510) 396-0416 or
The efforts to aid victims of the Tsunami tragedy depend upon contributions at the local level, contributions from individuals, businesses and organizations. Davis and UC Davis, as a community, has its own unique opportunity to unite in supporting national and international relief activities.

Ruth Asmundson, Mayor of Davis noted,
“The people of our community have always been extremely generous in donating to worthy causes. Few causes in our lifetime have been more deserving or needy of support than providing relief for the victims of the December Tsunami. I urge all residents of Davis and surrounding communities to join me in contributing to this worthwhile effort."
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