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class problems

kyle701 發表於 2007-7-26 17:03:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 5676|回覆: 8
As a result of my placement test result is out, I can take fall classes now!
There's few questions I want to know, First, I was wondering is it a unit = 3 months?
Second, The classes Im taking are ESL classes and Intermediate Algebra, if is 1~2 hours per class, would I finish this subject earlier by taking more same classes? Can I register any other classes like PE or Music?
Last, am I already in De Anza regular lectures, or I still need to finish taking all these ESL classes to be in?

ps: Practice typing in english, if any where is wrong, please correct me.
      English world is a brand new territory for me. LOL
小學沒畢業 發表於 2007-7-27 06:18:33 | 顯示全部樓層
I am new too...  But from what I know:

1. The number of units you see on the class schedule is the number of units that will be counted for that quarter.

2. Normally, it's not possible to finish a course early-- unless the instructor gives you (or the class) that option. For many classes (not all), attendence will be counted as part of your grade.

3. Depending on where you want to transfer, you need to take enough ESL classes to fullfill your transfer requirment. From what I've read, you need to at least take up to English 1A. Some classes also requires prerequisite. Not having completed the prerequisite classes will bar you from taking other classes...And for your own benefit, you should finish the ESL classes early with a consistently descent grade.

Good luck

[ 本帖最後由 小學沒畢業 於 2007-7-27 07:21 AM 編輯 ]
 樓主| kyle701 發表於 2007-7-27 08:50:29 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #2 小學沒畢業 的帖子

I see... I think I'll take ESL first, and ask if I can take Music or PE class too.
小學沒畢業 發表於 2007-7-27 23:14:21 | 顯示全部樓層
Sure. So long as your PE/Music classes don't affect your main study, there's nothing wrong in taking them.  I'll be taking both PE and music classes this quarter, so maybe I'll see you around in the school. =)
 樓主| kyle701 發表於 2007-7-28 18:49:46 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #4 小學沒畢業 的帖子

what kind of PE and Music class are you taking ?
Kenny_le 發表於 2007-7-28 18:57:13 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #3 kyle701 的帖子

You can definitely take Music class if you think your english can handle it. I am taking Classical Guitar class now just for fun since it's so cheap ($50 for 6 weeks). There are a few international students in my class and I can't understand a damn thing they are talking about...  Anyway, most of the instructors will not even ask you for the proof of prerequisite. So just stick arround and hang tight, you should be able to get an A easily.

[ 本帖最後由 Kenny_lee 於 2007-7-28 07:58 PM 編輯 ]
 樓主| kyle701 發表於 2007-7-28 21:04:32 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #6 Kenny_lee 的帖子

LOL    They speak other Language?   I want to take 民謠吉他 tho, but seems they only have class for Classical Guitar ?
Carri3 發表於 2007-7-28 23:59:38 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1 kyle701 的帖子

I would suggest you to challenge youself after fall quarter if you think you might be ready.
I took ESL 15x series (151, 152, 153) the 1st quarter, then I took "English" placement test.
*Notice: it's "English" placement test, not "ESL" placement test.
I was placed in Read 100B/Ewrt 100B, although both classes are prerequisite for English 1A, which is equivalent to ESL 5. I still chose Read 100B and Ewrt 100B instead of staying in ESL classes because I personally thought that really made a difference. In De Anza, the people take ESL class are usually adults, I mean...age 30-40+, I thought that would limit my learning if I kept staying in ESL classes. ESL 5 = EWRT 1A in De Anza and SJSU (it's been a while when I took ESL, you better confirm this with your conselor.), but it's still better to take Ewrt1A than ESL 5. I think only SJSU accepts ESL 5 as Ewrt 1A, and other CSUs and UCs will not take credit if you take ESL 5. You still have a long way to go! I'm probably take Ewrt 1C in fall. lol

I wish I can take photography class for my interest, but I'm gonna exceed the unit limit next quarter...we'll see. I envy you that you can take music and other fun classes! Enjoy it.
小學沒畢業 發表於 2007-7-29 04:02:25 | 顯示全部樓層
I'll be taking Fit Camp+Total Fitness (6:00AM!), Musicianship II, and maybe Rehearsal and Performance. I don't know yet.  I've heard that Poklewski  (a concert pianist who teaches piano at De Anza) isn't as good as she appears to be. Hmm...

I don't know. PE isn't very fun to's more like a training course.   Good for my body, but the sweating, grrrrrrrrrrrrr....

And you are right, I don't think De Anza offers folk guitar-- although I would presume that if you have the technique from classical guitar, and you understand the basic chords and theory, you can pretty much explore the folk realm by yourself...

[ 本帖最後由 小學沒畢業 於 2007-7-29 05:07 AM 編輯 ]
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