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【通知】話劇《新“藍與黑”》Drama<NEW Blue and Blac

susan 發表於 2004-10-8 22:39:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 7928|回覆: 0
【推薦】話劇《新“藍與黑”》Drama<NEW Blue and Black>


《藍與黑》是個非常感人的故事。作者王藍是著名的華裔作家及畫家。移民来美居住多年, 2003年在洛杉磯去世。<<藍與黑>>小說初版于1960年代。近四十年來﹐<<藍與黑>>已被翻譯成英﹐法﹐德﹐日等多國文字﹐吸引了廣大的讀者。在台灣也有多種版本的舞台劇﹐電影及電視劇。此次话剧《新“藍與黑”》由華艺剧社改编及制作。



November 6th (Sat) 7:30pm
November 7th (Sun) 3:00pm

Location: Palace of Fine Art, San Francisco



Susan Huang 415-823-5228


NEW Blue and Black is a novel written by renowned writer and painter, Wong Lang. Mr. Wong immigrated to US and lived in Los Angeles for many years. He passed away in 2003. Since its publication in the 1960s, the novel has been translated into English, French, German, Japanese and other languages and sustained a large readership for the past forty years. Several versions of stage, television and movie adaptations have been popular in Taiwan. This year Hua Yi Performing Group has adapted it into “New ‘Blue and Black’”.

The poignant love story is set in war-torn China of WW II era. It spans the eight-year Chinese struggle against the Japanese invasion. When the story unfolds, Zhang Xing-Ya, an orphan, is a high school student. Zhang meets Tang Qi, also an orphan, at the birthday party of Tang’s aunt. They become friends and fall in love. When the Japanese attacks their city, Tian-Jing, in northern China, Zhang joins the army and goes to war. He later goes to Chong-qing in southwestern China to attend college there. The lovers are separated by the raging war with no information of each other. A college schoolmate, Zheng Mei-Zhuang, a warlord’s daughter, falls in love with Zhang, and the two are engaged. In order to survive, Tang works as a singer at a nightclub. Later, Tang embarks on a trip via Hong Kong for Chong-qing to find Zhang. When she finally reaches Hong Kong, Japanese bombing suddenly cuts off transportation to Chong-qing. Tang has no choice but returning to Tian-Jing. Back in Tian-Jing, Tang learns that He Li, Zhang’s mentor and the leader of underground anti-Japanese movement, is arrested by the Japanese; she gives herself to the Japanese authority in order to rescue He from his certain demise.

After the war, Zhang returns to Tian-Jing. Upon hearing the news of Zhang’s betrothal, Tang is stricken with grief. She decides to leave away.
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