[UCSF-TSSA] Movie Night! (Care without Borders)
Hello Everyone and all President of student associations in Bay area:
UCSF will have our second movie gathering on April 06, Friday. Also, as we decided in USTSU online conference, I am happy to invite and welcome all the student associations to join our event. It will be a great opportunity to gather all of us and set up more inter-school interaction! Thank for David's intiation.
So....here are the details:
Name: Care without Borders: the current AIDS and medical issue in MALAWEI and developing countries.
we are gracefully invite the movie producer, Tony Chen to participate in the movie presentation. Tony is the 1st PhD student in UCSF-sociology. He will lead us some panel discussion of these topics.
Date: April 06 (Friday); 6:30PM-9:00PM
(food and drink will be provided)
peae contact with Sidney Hsieh if you have any questions: h_sidney@yahoo.com
Sidney H. |