歡迎歡迎~ 不管是舊生新生、舊雨新知,我們BATS都歡迎你來一起迎接這個新的學年!
認識有報復的青年男女們... 你就來對地方啦... ^_^ 今年新上任的會長Vincent及副會長們
準備帶給你一次不同的迎新... 來來來,已經認識大家的人就不用說了,還沒有認識BATS
時間: 九月十一日 (六)12:00 - 4:00 pm 請大家準時到達,不然食物一搶而空就不負責啦 :P
地點: Campanile Esplanade 學校鐘塔北邊
活動內容: 好吃的食物、好喝的飲料、好玩的遊戲、還有最棒的活動團隊
Jenny Liu 劉欣怡
2003-2005 BATS VP (活動企畫人)
Agriculture and Resource Economics
University of California, Berkeley

==========English Version Follows ====================
Welcome to new-comers and welcome back to old students!! Isn't it great to start a new school year?
Now, the event you've been waiting for all year: "2004 BATS Welcome Picnic" is coming your way!
No matter if you're looking forward to the food or the cute guys and girls, this is the place to be...
Our new President Vincent and our group of VPs are preparing to present an exciting welcome event
that you won't want to miss out on! Come on, what are you waiting for? :)
Details as follows:
Time: 09/11 (Sat) 12:00 - 4:00pm please be on time
Location: Campanile Esplanade (The north side of the Sather Tower / Campanile)
Activities: Great food, good drinks, exciting games and the best people!! |