請問H1B可以非雇主申請嗎? No.
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" i0 b' m0 {+ J' F2 T如果辦理就業綠卡有人有經驗需要多少律師等相關費用嗎0 f& B" u9 X9 c& w, c; Q" n
EB (Employment Based) green card needs company sponsership. If you don't have a job, or you have a job but your company is not willing to sponsor you, then you can't apply. There are 3 type of EB green card, EB1, EB2 and EB3. Which type you are qualified depends on your education backgroud, nationality and job duty. http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_3925.html.7 w8 h6 J3 {$ F2 X- V8 f( L
If you are on the begining of your practical training, and you are qualified for EB-2 or EB-1, and not born in China, then you can try to apply green card directly, but you will need a sponsor first. |