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[其他] 轉: H1B沒名額了怎麼辦?

downtown 發表於 2015-4-8 13:02:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 16050|回覆: 2
寫得還可以,供大家參考( f1 B) K4 K# C! @2 g( x6 S  o
, ^* d* e% `+ {, j% r今年H1B(外籍人士工作簽證)的申請人數隨美國經濟環境好轉而劇增,但如果今年抽不到簽證名額,不但錯失工作機會,也可能失去在美國合法居留權。移民律師提醒,除了H1B之外,「交流訪問學者」簽證J1、重新回學校讀書或延遲畢業、延長OPT(畢業實習)有效期等,都可以作為備用計畫「曲線救國」,甚至有機會參與第二年的H1B名額抽籤。4 @" G3 s  e, T
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( `, e7 `3 T5 m/ {7 x) g如果申請人是在校學生,可以通過延遲畢業保持學生簽證F1的有效性,例如讀博士或進修課程。有配偶的申請人可申請相關的配偶簽證,例如H1B簽證持有者的H4家屬簽證等。從事藝術領域工作的人士也可考慮屬於特殊人才類別的O1簽證,對於教育,演藝、科技、體育行業符合條件的人來說,O1其實比H1B更加適合。" P0 L% x4 Q( V5 M5 o
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李定一認為,從F1等身分轉為B1/B2具有一定的風險,例如在六個月合法居留時間到期之後,再申請續期就必須要向移民局說明必須繼續留在美國的合理理由,也要證明自己有一定的財力和不具有移民傾向。此外,針對台灣、香港或澳門出生的申請人,還可以申請E-1/E-2條約貿易或投資簽證/身分。2 E1 _: O3 n# M  W+ _; A

. J! P, L: A" c. ^移民律師曹楊親民表示,J1簽證中的受訓人員和實習生簽證類別對中國留學生來說,也是一個不錯的選擇。J1簽證雖然稱為「交流訪問學者」簽證,但也供出於培訓或參加實習目來美或留美的人士申請。「J1簽證在中國申請人當中有一定的受眾面,但普及度並不高。」
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# D/ G5 T3 J7 D( V: a曹楊親民指出,申請人以培訓和實習目的申請J1,分別有望獲得18個月和12個月的合法居留時間。最重要的是,相比回學校讀書以確保F1簽證的有效性,J1簽證允許申請人獲得工作收入。同時,J1持有人的家屬申請J2後,也可以在美國合法工作。2 G: M+ T# s9 A* ^; J0 T- ^

1 p8 {3 k1 T5 \- ]/ z# ZJ1簽證最大的優勢在於沒有名額限制,並且申請人在獲得批准後,再以DS2019出國並回美國境內,就可以立即工作,不必像H1B要求等到10月1日。該簽證要求向美國國務院批准的「交流訪問計畫」提交相關項目的計畫書,每個簽證申請人需要額外繳納3500至4000元不等的審核或評估費用。但需要注意的是,H1B允許申請人有移民傾向,J1則不可以。
toughrose 發表於 2023-7-5 16:37:24 | 顯示全部樓層
Recently I start helping chefs from oversea to apply their B1 and B2 and I also have helped others to get their F1 here.  My education background is criminal justice and I also work as government marketing consultant especially with DOD.  I really think that for people are planning to study aboard need to plan ahead.  3-2-1 as life may not always follow your plan.  As I was planning after my study for 7 years, I will return Taiwan.  It did not happen as I then married and have a family here and now my son graduated from college and works in IT firm.    Even though my husband passed away in 2019 and he left me with our company and our son.    Many of my friends especially from my schoolmate, she has kept her H1, but the end her status is not from H1 but instead she married an American.   You do not know what life will take you but you can plan all you want.  If any of you comes to US studying law, please consider to join Pro Bono.  Right now, I am helping a local non-profit to assist their visa documentation.  There are 11 millions illegally immigrants that you may be able to help with.  Right now USCIS backlog visa still gets so hard.  Especially now IT has been layoff due to use outsourcing oversea instead to hire full time employees inside the US.  You may heard that Microsoft layoff lots of people early this year and most IT firms are now hiring freezing.  Plan ahead and make friends and connecting with professional network.  It all takes time.   Plant the seeds and wait for them sprouts.   Good luck with your H1B journey.
kc94103 發表於 2024-1-11 13:55:13 | 顯示全部樓層
Keep applying , Then you will get it eventually
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