本帖最後由 zyunshin 於 2013-2-12 01:29 AM 編輯
城市/區域 LA Downtown USC
出租2B1B 其中一間房間。
北邊安全好區,超級安靜,近USC, LA Downtown,
免費Wifi, 洗衣機烘衣機,廚房(微波爐,瓦斯爐,烤箱,冰箱等)
月租$600+ $50水電瓦斯 1300一次付清
勿站內信,細節與照片請email: dai_dai77@hotmail.com
May 18-July 31
A bright and comfortable private bedroom in 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom 1 kitchen unit.
This room is furnished: full-sized bed w/ mattress, big desk, chair, bookcase and closet.
Wifi, free laundry on site, full kitchen (microwave, oven, stove, refrigerator).Street parking is easy, but gated parking is also available.
Nice safe area, very quiet, two USC school bus stops on the corner, 3 minutes to supermarket, 1 minute to the bus station (#37) to downtown, 6 minutes to USC by bike.
It’s an independent unit in a 4-unit house. You will share this house with a really nice girl. She is an easygoing, open-minded and reliable housemate.
$600/month + $50 water, electricity and gas,$1300 in total.
Please email: dai_dai77@hotmil.com if you are interested.
