To whom it may concern, 中國信託即日起至二月底止展開儲備幹部海外報名活動,並於四月份提供海外學子海外當地面談、回台好整以暇的貼心服務, 煩請您將本公司徵才訊息及計畫內容佈告或轉知台灣留學生。 Chinatrust is glad to launch the annual overseas MA recruiting program. In order to provide an easy access for the students to future job opportunities, interviews will be conducted at the overseas local offices. All applications will be due in the end of February. 若您並非相關承辦人員,煩請協助將本訊息轉所屬承辦人員辦理或回信告知。 Please bulletin or forward this recruiting information to all Taiwanese students(members) or transfer it to the concerned parties. 謝謝您的協助,如造成您的不便,煩請見諒。 Sorry for any inconvenience caused, your assistance will be highly appreciated.
中國信託徵才訊息Chinatrust Financial Holding CompanyRecruiting Information
Chinatrust will provide several MA (Management Associate) positions to the overseas Taiwanese students to encourage the students to devote themselves to the financial industry in Taiwan. Our recruiting team will travel to New York, Chicago and Los Angeles to host the MA recruiting sessions in the beginning of April.
Please see enclosed files for requirements and MA program details.
若本計劃有任何疑問,請電洽+886-2-27222002 #6832 趙今華
If any question, please call +886-2-27222002 ext.6832 or mail to
誠摯歡迎各位 加入中國信託的行列!
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