作者: 珊卓Chen
檢視: 14101|回覆: 5


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[求才「理工」] Molecular / Cellular Biology Lab Technician or Research Assistant

珊卓Chen 發表於 2012-3-6 22:30:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 14101|回覆: 5

    公司名稱: Henlius Biopharmaceutical, Inc.

  • 職稱: Research Assistant or Lab technician
  • 工作性質: 全職 (Full time) 兼職 (Part time) 實習 (Intern) 
  • 工作地點: Fremont, CA
  • 專業: biological sciences, chemistry, or biochemistry
  • 是否應屆: 應屆
  • 年齡要求: 無
  • 性別要求: 男 女 
  • 薪資: 月薪$1500~2000
  • 提供H-1或綠卡: 不提供H-1 不提供綠卡 
  • 聯絡方式:
本帖最後由 珊卓Chen 於 2015-4-28 04:18 PM 編輯

Molecular / Cellular Biology Lab Technician or Research Assistant

Job Description:
Henlius Biopharmaceutical, Inc., a start-up biotech company located in south Fremont, has one opening for Lab Technician or Research Assistant. The position is in assay development,  protein chemistry and molecular biology. Training will be provided.

Job Requirements:
1.        Classes and some lab experience in molecular/cell biology, or biochemistry;
2.        Eager to learn and willing to perform routine lab tasks in a timely fashion;
3.        Be responsible and detail-oriented;
4.        Ability to communicate in Mandarin;

The positions are paid by hour and can be part time or full time.
Local college students or new graduates are encouraged to apply.
Looking for a person who can work long term (at least 6 months).

Please forward your cover letter and resume to for considerations.
 樓主| 珊卓Chen 發表於 2012-9-24 14:31:26 | 顯示全部樓層
新開了一個research assistant的position!
 樓主| 珊卓Chen 發表於 2013-8-29 15:23:23 | 顯示全部樓層
推上來~ 最近又需要人手了...
 樓主| 珊卓Chen 發表於 2014-1-2 10:30:15 | 顯示全部樓層
A temporary position has been opened
 樓主| 珊卓Chen 發表於 2014-8-20 15:01:44 | 顯示全部樓層
New position opened.
 樓主| 珊卓Chen 發表於 2015-4-27 16:26:19 | 顯示全部樓層
New position in May.
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