作者: cloveleo
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[Deals] 快!!到Barnes & Noble買$10.11的書送$114的保養品!!

cloveleo 發表於 2011-2-5 11:46:08 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 5691|回覆: 0
這個Deal真的很棒!! 在Barnes & Noble 買The Water Secret這本書$10.11, Murad就送3個價值 $114的禮物.2/19止.包含:$ @2 O/ A  f  l! r% Y3 Z% ]0 M/ f5 A" {' M

2 r$ R0 q5 B1 @/ a& n, z+ k6 ~Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture (full-size 1.7 fl. oz.)價值$654 N; j; {& N, e6 _/ w3 R. Q0 p1 V* T
Moisture Silk Eye Gel  (full-size 0.5 fl. oz.)價值$49.5( g' O( e0 \/ t: ^8 S" i$ m* R
Immuno-Skin Age Inhibitor (sample 0.125 fl. oz.)
/ r( ^/ c8 F: p! E, O# C最棒的是現在Groupon有 $20 Barnes & Noble gift card for $10!2/6止.先把Barnes & Noble gift card買起來,再去買書.多棒呀!! ( O/ |+ W6 |1 m% g0 n$ q3 f

% y4 Q1 w8 v) Y# v! l8 y買完書後,把 Barnes & Noble order confirmation email到, 要記得email中要寫上你的收件地址(不是email address,是要收gift的地址).寄出email後會立即收到一封"We have received your email and will be following up with you shortly. Please allow up to 2 business days.” 之後會再收到“Thank you for ordering Dr. Murad’s new book. We have received your order confirmation email and will be sending out your secret give bag of Murad products soon. (Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery)”.就可等著拿價值$114的禮物囉!!9 r! V5 [" A0 l2 f5 a( P1 A


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