Amazon上這台即時氣象預報時鐘La Crosse Technology Weather Direct WD-3308U-WAL 4 Day Internet Powered Wireless Forecaster, 不用上網或看電視就可立即知道未來四天的天氣如何,可選擇包括美國及加拿大超過60,000個城巿的氣象. LCD螢幕顯示時間,城巿,日出、日落時間,及當地氣象(包含天氣及溫度).有了這台真的就不必再為查詢氣象而煩惱了.原價$124.99,特價$32免運費. [2 q6 C9 O3 ]. w# ~
- Free Wireless Forecasts for the Location of Your Choice – Provides Around-the-Clock Weather without Tuning on a TV or Computer. No Subscription Required.
- Choose from Over 60,000 Locations in the United States and Canada Including Your Hometown, Parks, Sports Venues, Golf Courses and More
- 4 Day Weather Mulit-line Toggles: Chance of Precipitation (0-95%), Rain Amount (Inches), Sunshine Forecast (Hours Per Day), Barometric Pressure, and Wind Gust/Speed/Direction
- Scrolling Lower LCD Section Scrolls Wireless Outdoor Temperature, Selected City, Sunrise, Sunset, and Selected City Forecast
- 4 Day Forecasts with Specific Forecasts for Each Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night
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