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[發問中] say hi to community college的型男潮女們!

bil2ion 發表於 2010-4-16 07:50:07 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 8863|回覆: 2
有在美國讀community college的同鞋麼?

我準備去加州讀cc 即使拖到現在都還沒發我的申請過去......

foothill  college
de anza college
santa monica

我已經做了大量的調查和搜索 不過信息還是很有限~~~~
希望有在這兩間就讀的前輩們 分享一下你們的學習生活 交流一下呢?

比如我從論壇上面就知道foothill雖然環境好 不過上山很不方便啊之類的
那是不是de anza college會更適合適合居住和讀書呢?

如果我準備六月來讀de anza的summer program 九月份入學 除了申請簽證的事宜 還需要注意什麽嗎?

then 這兩間學校比起來 哪間在communicaion這個專業更有研究 或是對今後transfer to 4 year university會更有優勢之類的 比如USC?
foothill對英語的要求真的很高嗎?我考了雅思 5.5 估計報上他們honnors class的幾率也不大 but我還是有一個熱血積極的心的!

或者是santa monica college會是更不錯的選擇呢?

不好意思 我是"問題少女" 希望你們可以幫我解答 謝謝

ocean350 發表於 2010-4-16 15:10:32 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ocean350 於 2010-4-16 04:13 PM 編輯

De Anza college is 1 of the top 10 'community college' in the USA.
if your plan is to get into a good university later, you should consider DA.
DA is in a city called Cupertino. the living expense is quite high, comparing with Santa Monica.
however, if u study in SM, you wont save much money anyway....since SM is in a pretty nice neighborhood.
DA and Foothill belongs to the same school district, so the TOFEL requirement is about the same.
u can always study ESL if ur TOFEL score is not high enough.

the bottom line's quite expensive to study in California.
but, u will find quite many Asian people in California. (not sure if that is what u prefer)
if u study hard, u can always get into a good University.
if u can focus on studying, u can transfer to University easily when you finished enough classes.
(the academic program in USA is fairly flexible about transferring from cc to University)

if u still have question, contact me thru MSN.

good luck.
 樓主| bil2ion 發表於 2010-4-16 20:06:59 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 2# ocean350

    thank u for your helping!!
    but how can i contact u?would u mind leaving your msn?
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