> 如果晚上你在駕駛時受到雞蛋攻擊千萬不要起動噴水功能和開動雨刷
> If you are driving at night and were attacked with eggs,do not operate your wiper and spray anywater.
> 因為雞蛋參水後將呈現白色阻擋視線高達92.5%
Eggs mix with water becomes milky and block your vision up to 92.5 %
> 你將被迫停在路邊而成為劫匪的囊中物
> You are forced to stop at road side and become victim of robber
> 這是馬來西亞柔佛巴魯匪徒所採用的最新技倆
> This is new technique used by robber