Comcast Digital Cable 現在有個促銷 (10/31/2009),只要你是他們客戶,撥打1-888-865-3193,告訴客服 reference code: HBO0703,姓名跟地址,就會跟你說可有沒有免費一個月HBO可以看啦~~6 V: u9 L' F* U$ P3 L5 J
這個免費的HBO 12個月後就會自動停止,不會被額外收費
; X( l& [6 y( x% X7 L5 Z& y) R o3 C& l; }$ \" s, A
快去試試吧~~HBO一個月可也要$17 左右咧
. }! w0 q7 m; J# [9 t成功等於省了$200多一年5 v; G+ Q$ s; s3 q+ \# S& F+ m
: Y- N/ y# W+ w8 V! {& n* v3 _這個促銷不是每個地區都有喔~~~
$ a2 g7 G* Q, u4 C6 Q, d9 w
9 B( n7 J1 O* d! }/ B& H下面是成功的地區 (from slickdeals)
& _6 R! ?4 K' C5 b
: K5 S8 N/ f; \1 a$ D3 \Success (Enter city & zip)
1 @2 D$ Z' e$ k# J# _9 FHouston, TX 77070 (via online chat)
! X# M& V$ g! u/ ~9 @Albuquerque, NM 87107! }3 o" x% u x2 W1 g
Johnson City, TN 37604: H( H4 f, j! |& P$ C
Indianapolis, IN 46227
. o" P. i8 U' P$ M$ L/ oChicago, IL 60640
3 y; S5 D! K+ l Y ZAtlanta, GA 30329
; {4 K: s) ^' T+ sRoswell GA 30075
. R+ b& I9 ^7 QKennesaw GA 30144
# e5 T1 K. [$ x2 o( H! k3 zMarietta GA 30066
" b5 B4 C \: W6 Q8 {! \- n2 x1 lNorthshore MA: (01907) Need Triple play bundle for this to work
9 \4 [: i* o; g. _Jacksonville, FL 32224 - Worked!
: ]0 R) Z/ ]: q1 @, t8 _Cane Ridge, TN 37013
0 V1 K. ?0 h! E* K' L% XSnellville, GA 30039: s4 r& k5 `6 o, z3 m7 Z, P( q
Concord, NH 03301- Must renew free HBO subscription every 3 months/ ~2 G2 }! m# w6 W3 o
Midlothian, VA 23112
! H: o' h; t' B! y6 T# u" NCarmel, NY 105123 t5 v+ S: S( i4 ?4 Z |1 x _9 b
Adrian, MI 49221
8 Y+ g7 X4 Q' `2 _5 S: f9 r' W* ?Cherry Hill, NJ 080343 R4 u* Q1 L+ r/ K3 T$ m6 F& k
Bloomingdale, IL 60108 -- worked after chat with Comcast on Saturday
" x) g0 }; q5 J7 O& r6 RGermantown, MD 20874
) H y2 t5 b/ ^Charleston, SC 29412 i2 C# V- A! f) `4 q# a w) b
Knoxville, TN 37923.
! c0 B; m+ M# q' c+ [Jersey city,Nj-07306.
6 ~$ v4 m( v4 G6 {, BOrlando, Fl. 32817
6 Q) x! R: H- T4 X; v- @Evanston, IL 60202 (currently subscribed with HSI and Digital Starter)2 v% \( `3 L# S) B& d* N1 t4 [& F
Arlington, VA 222010 U+ ?- V* u: }. S' _
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328
4 ~; M$ I9 B8 Q% k1 eMadera, CA 93637
?$ T* Q) s( s6 LAnn Arbor, MI 481058 @0 ]6 G- A/ b+ a
Little Rock, AR 72202, g( x' M1 y- P3 D
Sterling, VA 20165+ K8 F3 V6 }' O2 G
Renton, WA 98056+ @8 g! c- i0 ]0 Z; P
Columbia, MD 21044
$ N. ~) V# z0 @% ?) PSunnyvale, CA 94087/ W3 W7 d" [) a+ l9 \
Dover, MA 02030 (Boston area)2 U' t/ p" j3 p) `) P* F0 r0 G
Lancaster, PA 17602
3 d* Z1 Q* Z& y; vHarrisburg, PA 17112
! D+ G4 N. o" vFresno, CA 93727, n6 ]3 T# Q) ^6 l
Canonsburg, PA 153179 o" P8 P! z" B* Q$ r- w
Denver Suburb, CO 80124 Took over 72 hrs and several phone calls. Read post#262! M$ u. K8 f0 Y: Y
North Arlington NJ 07031 (Instant Access given via online chat) Read Post #275
8 A- a! l5 U# fAnnapolis, MD 21403 - via chat (post #338)2 Y5 f9 p1 U3 x: n1 g' O+ ?+ T6 X& @
Medford, MA 02155 (Boston area) - via chat. On within 5 minutes.1 r# B5 ^+ k6 O2 Y
Narberth, PA 19072 (just outside Philly). On in 5 minutes.
1 x+ W; u% S( c8 [+ h, L ]2 FPortland, OR 97206 (Called last Monday, took all my info. Never got turned on, called/chatted Comcast, no luck Called 1800COMCAST, on within 10 minutes!)
3 ?9 q( _$ M* F: u) wSouthfield, MI 48034 (Detroit Metro area) via chat
; ]" u$ f& [3 L5 e4 q; z7 k4 G8 y% p% p5 D1 ]4 z5 e
1 E6 @6 x5 Y+ r6 V! ^! y
: z4 J ^; ?' K4 j+ FFailure (City+zip)
$ J, f% ]9 J$ G$ [+ `. L1 j4 W5 G; {& u7 t% }6 d0 S
Denver, CO 80222& k5 p" z' H0 d. K- W, ?7 a6 y
Jacksonville, FL 32256 (called twice, not available in this area, advised to call Comcast for more questions)
2 t5 ^6 { U" B1 w! M9 P, i/ D4 vSan Jose, CA 95148. Customer for 6+ years, not available in area they said.
$ s: Z4 P4 x1 U' fSanta Clara, CA 95051 (called twice, not available in this area, advised to call Comcast for more questions)
: Z# G# M8 h* q# z% aNorthern, CA 95945 -- No longer available...
: U7 D4 A! c. JKent, WA 98032 -- offered HBO for $5/mo for 6 mo or Showtime for $8/mo for 6 mo. q: ]5 v* J% A O: y
Wheaton, IL 60187 - not offered) i& W8 K( M7 y% A$ r7 E
Baltimore, MD 21230 - called 3x, not available in this area, advised to call Comcast for more questions
! ^& f. y. Y$ B' l% m1 ]3 V* T+ b6 HSchaumburg, Il 60195 - not offered
2 L8 V- R& F; {( j& eLynnwood, WA 98036 - not available in this area
' _2 C" k. H: vPhiladelphia, PA 19131 - not available in this area0 a( o% I p: W9 \# ?0 x
Charlottesville, VA 22903 - not available in this area
# G2 |$ F: A9 G8 FFort Myers, FL 33919- not available in area3 O- d+ J& ? D1 B1 ~6 o
Bloomington, IN 47401 - not available& m8 U; ^/ I9 y8 J0 l$ L+ j! v
Reading, PA 19610 - not available
4 G' {! R1 M2 Y0 BRochester, MI 48309 - not available# L6 i+ Y8 r% X
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 - not available yet, maybe soon: _" X. j" s" l7 i* F$ q9 p
Federal Way, WA 98023 - not available# x# y$ X* o" g" Q: P
Tacoma, WA 98446 - not available, told me to call 1800-comcast.
" C) P$ b9 @9 h; y# [Fremont, CA 94555 - not available. c% M- @2 z$ {& V) B
Sunnyvale,CA 94086 - N/A
. _0 O% M9 D* c! q; r- VSomerset, NJ 08873 - N/A, advised to call 1-800-COMCAST5 d7 c8 R# d, v7 d) K1 W' ^
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 - not available |