作者: Dawnmei
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我想申請Fall 2009的ESL,可是似乎來不及了,怎摩辦?

Dawnmei 發表於 2009-9-16 22:49:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 7134|回覆: 3
我這禮拜一(9/14)才去考了assessment test,要等結果出來至少要兩個禮拜,9/21開學我一定來不及註冊.

1. 請問我可以旁聽嗎?要怎麼跟老師說解釋?
2.如果可以旁聽,我想要下禮拜就去上課,老師會要求看我的assessment test的成績嗎?(writing還沒出來說)
3 我的程度不是很好,選擇只有62分,這樣可以上de anza的 low intermediate 嗎?(因為de anza沒有begining的課)
dc1239 發表於 2009-9-17 03:18:32 | 顯示全部樓層
1. 旁聽 要看教授
2.下禮拜一就開學了 妳先去waitlist一些科目吧 妳writing 還沒出來就先別修英文
3.62分 士說數學? 還是英文? 妳登入你的deanza帳號 裡面可以看placement result & 可以選的課. 印象中 數學一考完過一天就可以選了
4.遲早要買書 有些教授比較機車要上課第一天就有 有些教授比較隨便.

ps. 開學第一天 就可以去先旁聽課 看能不能拿到 add code, 可以的話就可以+課了
ocean350 發表於 2009-9-17 17:23:42 | 顯示全部樓層

hard to explain...

1. Of course, you can, because you want to add the class.
if you just want to sit-in the class for fun, then it's a problem.
2. the instructor will not deal with your assessment test. Only the administration office have access to that information.
3. i believe there are various level of English classes you can choose from.
4. In some class, you need to have the book. Otherwise, there is no point of going to the class, because you cant understand too much in class. (Unless someone is willing to share the book with you.) HOWEVER, you can always go and try. Sometimes, you might run into some friendly classmate.

5. if you use MSN, u can add me and ask me on MSN.
 樓主| Dawnmei 發表於 2009-9-25 09:06:07 | 顯示全部樓層
thank u very much^^
開學第 一天我有去找教室walk-in,不過因為人太多,最後都會被趕出來.
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