哈囉您好 : 首先謝謝這麼棒的台灣同學會交流網站, 希望各位同學在台灣的家人平平安安,天佑台灣!! 台灣加油加油!!
Title: 非常需要正在學英文的同學填問卷- 凡填問卷者, 請吃台南小吃,ex 米糕/鱔魚意麵, 台南當地人都不一定知道的30年老店~歡迎逗陣相約來台南~
我是Texas A&M 英語教學專業的博士班學生, 主要是研究英語聽力學習方法對聽力理解程度上的關係,進一步能了解亞洲國際學生在英語學習上的認知與看法!!
還需要60位同學的幫忙~~ (Incentives:填寫問卷者 有機會拿到Walmart gift card)
1. 2007年春季班開始或之後來美國留學的同學
2. 托福在2006年一月以後考的
3. 研究對象為講中文或韓文, 非英語為母語的國際學生
(P.S.) 正在修語言學校課程同學也包含在內 (很缺少托福550分以下的朋友), 凡是有考托福的經驗, 非常需要你們的幫忙填寫問卷!!
方法: 採行網路問卷填答
http://tamucehd.qualtrics.com//S ... 7Nn3C&SVID=Prod (30題問題, 大約7分鐘可完成)
若有進一步問題,歡迎與我聯繫,感激各位同學的幫忙! 謝謝各位寶貴時間! 柑恩!!
(Let me know if I can do some help, too!)
2009-8-15 pm
………………English version
This is Yi-Chun Liu who is a doctoral student majoring in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture at Texas A&M University. This survey is part of my dissertation research.
I will need 100 more participants.
The following are the criteria:
1. Whose native language is Chinese or Korean
2. Came to study in the US during or after spring of 2007
3. Took TOEFL after January, 2006
4. ELI/ESL students are included as long as you have TOEFL practice experience.
If you meet the criteria, could you take a few minutes to take the survey? (Incentives: Drawing chances to receive Walmart gift card!)
Or if you know some friends who may be willing to help, could you forward to them??
Thank you so much for your precious time to fill out this survey about English learning.
Follow this link to the Survey: http://tamucehd.qualtrics.com//S ... 7Nn3C&SVID=Prod (30 Questions, can complete in 7 minutes)
Best regards,
Yi-Chun Liu (ycliu@tamu.edu; Facebook: Yi-Chun Liu; 979-739-6568)
2009-8-15 pm |