公司名稱: 中國信託
- 職稱: 儲備幹部
- 工作性質: 全職 (Full time)
- 工作地點: 台灣
- 專業: 金融
- 是否應屆: 應屆
- 年齡要求: 30以內
- 性別要求: 男 女
- 薪資: 面議
- 提供H-1或綠卡: 不提供H-1
- 聯絡方式:
2009 Chinatrust Overseas MA Recruiting Program
其他詳細說明請至中國信託儲備幹部招募網站,或洽人力資源管理處 趙小姐(+886-2-27222002 ext.6832) 或 email詢問 ( 。
敬祝 學業順利!
中國信託儲備幹部招募小組 敬上
To whom it may concern,
Chinatrust is now launching the MA recruiting program. In order to provide an easy access for the students to future job opportunities, interviews will be conducted at the overseas local offices. All overseas applications will be due on March 8th.
Please bulletin or forward this recruiting information to all Taiwanese students (members), or transfer it to the concerned parties.
Please check the following website for more details,
Should you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact with us by phone (+886-2-27222002 ext.6832) or email (
Sorry for any inconvenience caused, your assistance is highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Chinatrust MA recruiting team |