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hi everyone,

watermelon694 發表於 2008-12-10 18:21:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4383|回覆: 0
hi everyone,

For those who are interested and want to meet with the associate dean to EXPRESS their concern for the current block schedule system for Spring 2009, we have a meeting with her TODAY, Wednesday, December 10th at 4:30 PM in SEQ. 212.  

Some of us are meeting a little earlier before to collect our thoughts and outline what we want to say to ensure we all have a chance to express our concerns.  

This affects us all for next semester and future semesters so please come and join us to try to make a change that will benefit us all!

Thanks and pass this on to any current 211 students and future 311 students!  

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:50 PM, J E A N E <> wrote:
hello fellow interior design students,

below is a letter to the FCS department asking them to re-evaluate the block system they are implementing for Spring 2009.  if you feel strongly about the current schedule please voice your concern by sending this email.  

we hope that if enough voices are heard, there is a chance the department will consider our plea and re-evaluate the block system.  

please CUT and PASTE and body of the letter in a NEW EMAIL and type in your name at the bottom.  

we would like to forward this email to the associate dean of HHD and her email address is:

If you want to email it to additional professors, please do so.  

we want to also go directly to the same dean we are forwarding this to and speak with her personally to share our concerns.  i am emailing her to request a meeting with her.  since we are all mostly in ART 230, we want to do it around 4 pm next wednesday if possible.  feel freeeee to contact me or Tiffany if you have any input. :)

pass this on to any other students who might have the same concern.



*****cut and paste the email below this line******

To the Dean,Faculty and Administrators of FCS Interior Design Dept,

We the students of the FCS Interior Design Dept. would like to make you aware that we are displeased with the current "block system".  After reviewing the schedule of classes we find them to be inflexible and problematic for students who work, have family responsibilities and commute long distances.  

As you know, one block requires students to attend five days a week with one of those days being a Saturday.  In that block, the classes are offered in the afternoons and the evenings with a big gap of time in between on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  This makes employment very difficult. The other block requires students to attend four days a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  On Mondays and Wednesdays there is a six hour gap between classes, which means that students that do not live close by will have to remain on campus for over 12 hours, two days a week!

Some of us work to support ourselves and to pay for school.  We do not have the luxury of our parents' financial support.   Some of us have young children at home that require childcare and others of us commute over 60 miles one-way.  This schedule is not conducive to meeting our needs and requirements outside of school.  We find that it is very inflexible and restrictive.  Because we do not have a choice in the classes that will work best for us and because the "blocks" that we are assigned to are so spread out, makes this schedule conflict terribly with our current responsibilities.   This system does not work for the demographics of this student body.  

We propose several solutions that we feel will alleviate the frustrations of the students at this time:
1.      Offer more classes
2.      Offer more classes simultaneously
3.      Offer classes without large gaps in between
4.      Remove the block system

We understand that you wish to balance the classes so that the University does not have to close sections, but we are imploring you to reevaluate this schedule and block system and make one that is more flexible and conducive to maintaining our lives outside of school.  We need a schedule that is more time efficient, so that we can continue to support our families and ourselves.

Thank you in advance for your careful consideration.  We really appreciate your help with this matter.  


The Upper Division Interior Design Students
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