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[北加州] 矽谷 Job Interview workshp講座

lovingalice 發表於 2008-12-2 15:44:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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美西玉山科技協會 (由當地華人青年組成的networking組織) 將於下周六舉行一場job hunting workshop, 正在找工作或想增加interview skills的同學可以去看看喔~~

MJAA Presents: Career Development Series
Comprehensive Job Hunting Workshop

Date: Saturday 12/13/2008, 10:00AM-12:00PM
Location: ITRI International, Conference Room IE.  2870 Zanker Rd. Suite 140, San Jose, CA 95134
Fee: $5 for members; $10 for non-members.  At the door: Add $5
RSVP by sending an email with your full name to
(Please RSVP by 1 pm Friday, December 12th for RSVP rates.)

You have being working hard to achieve your career goals…has your company recognized your contributions and tedious efforts?  Are you concerned about job security or contemplating a career change?  In this turbulent economy, it’s always a great idea to continually update your job interviewing skills.   

As part one of a three part career development series, the latest interviewing techniques will be presented by a successful, professional career consultant.  Topics range from selling yourself at the interview to preparing for technical/behavioral questions.  Additional topics will include salary negotiations, resume help, mock interviews, job hunting techniques, and questions to ask your interviewers.  There will be a Q&A session following the presentation for any targeted issues that you may want tips on.

Invited Speakers:
Lee Rosenfield, Career Consultant at San Jose State University
Anne Broderick, Executive Coach and Career Management Consultant

10:00 AM – Registration and Networking
10:30 AM – Speaker Presentation
11:30 AM – Q&A
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