作者: amd3dk6
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[好物] 免費SJSU 學生電子郵件

amd3dk6 發表於 2008-8-29 03:20:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 11033|回覆: 1
SJSU 的學生可以有自己的 Email account 哦!
以往都要麻煩的向學校申請 Unix account 然後在到學校去拿帳號。

現在只要在 sjsuONE 就可以申請。
sjsuONE 的帳號就是校園無線網路的帳號

我已經開好了, 似乎我們學校是和 Microsoft 合作, 所以第一次
要去 SJSUONE 做開帳號的動作。

開好後要去 hotmail 登入:
For example sjsuone shows that my email address is:

去 hotmail 用 為帳號然後
用SJSUone 的 password 登入

登入後就可改成自己喜歡的 password 啦(sjsuone 的 password 有時候有點麻煩)
而且每 180 天就要更新一次

在 SJSU 校園用的無線網路都沒加密哦!! 如果你有 PPTP VPN就快開起來用吧,
我要畢業之前他們就把 PPTP 不能連的問題修好了(Finally)。不知道我在說什麼
的同學也不用在意, 反正不要用wireless 上銀行網站就 OK 啦~

Happy Long Weekend ~  
 樓主| amd3dk6 發表於 2008-8-29 03:33:16 | 顯示全部樓層
[補充說明] 學校的 email 帳號, Size 為 5GB 好好管理用到畢業一定 OK 的啦~~~

申請 Email 的另一個 Link

[給 SJSU 老鳥]

不知道有多少人在用那個 Unix account...
不知道什麼時候會被砍... 最近趕緊去 backup 啦  

這是 SJSU (8/21/2008) 寄給老鳥們的信:
Distribution: Students on the UNIX e-mail system
Subject: Enhanced SJSU Student E-Mail on August 25, 2008

You are receiving this e-mail because you have a student e-mail account on the SJSU UNIX e-mail system.  On August 25, 2008, the existing student e-mail (addresses ending in ) is being replaced by a new and enhanced web based e-mail system.  

The newly improved, SJSU Student E-mail system is being released August 25, 2008.  Student e-mail has a new look, more storage and many exciting new features.

On August 25th, use the familiar SJSUOne account application to pick up your new e-mail account: After signing in to SJSUOne, the official SJSU Student e-mail address will appear on your SJSUOne page.  The password for your e-mail account is your SJSUOne password.

All active students will receive an official campus e-mail address on the newly enhanced SJSU Student e-mail system powered by Microsoft Live.  This new e-mail account replaces the University "UNIX" accounts students have been using.  Students no longer need to request e-mail accounts.  All students will automatically receive an easily recognizable address.

Visit the website to learn more about SJSU Student e-mail.
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