§@ªÌ: shinji
À˵ø: 118634|¦^ÂÐ: 47



³æ¤H©Ð¥X¯²¡A$ 1000¥þ¥]¡A¾aªñSan Jose Downtown³æ¤H©Ð¥X¯²¡A$ 1000¥þ¥]¡A¾aªñSan Jose Downtown
ª÷¤sCayuga Terrace (94112)³æ¶¡¶®©Ð¥X¯²_AAU_SFSU_USF_CCSFª÷¤sCayuga Terrace (94112)³æ¶¡¶®©Ð¥X¯²_AAU_SFSU_USF_CCSF
A newly renovated private room with brand new furniture for rentA newly renovated private room with brand new furniture for rent
单¤H©Ð间¥X¯² Summer/Fall 2024 - ¶ZÖÃCSULB 1.9mi Long Beach单¤H©Ð间¥X¯² Summer/Fall 2024 - ¶ZÖÃCSULB 1.9mi Long Beach
º¸ÆW Turtle Rock ¦n°Ï¶®©Ð¥X¯²1000º¸ÆW Turtle Rock ¦n°Ï¶®©Ð¥X¯²1000

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shinji µoªí©ó 2008-7-27 23:49:19 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h |¾\Ū¼Ò¦¡
À˵ø: 118634|¦^ÂÐ: 47

credit report¥¿¬O¥Î¨ÓÀˬd­Ó¤HcreditªºªF¦è..
¦ý¬O¦³½Ö¯u¥¿¬Ý¹L¾ã¥÷ªºcredit report.«Ü©êºp,§Ú¤]¨S¦³..


hotddt µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 06:00:00 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h

 ¼Ó¥D| shinji µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 06:31:55 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h
itin µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 10:06:26 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h
§Ú·Q¥Icash ¨®°ÓÀ³¸Ó«Ü¦n¬å»ù~~
¤£¹Lcredit report¤À¼Æ«Ü®e©ö±o=  =

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ itin ©ó 2008-7-28 11:13 AM ½s¿è ]
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 ¼Ó¥D| shinji µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 10:26:14 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h
¾ã¥÷credit report¨Ã¤£¥u¦³§Aªºcredit point³oªF¦è..


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ shinji ©ó 2008-7-28 10:28 AM ½s¿è ]
Kenny_lee µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 10:52:49 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h

¦^ÂÐ 5F shinji ªº©«¤l

It's not that bad la. I think it's because you guys don't have any equity or other loan or mortgage besides credit cards. A high credit without any long term commitment loan or mortgage does not mean much to a lender. On top of that, you need to have a good debt-to-income ratio with a provable and stable income. A income from parents deposit does not mean much to a lender. All in all, an international student with 4, 5 years of credit history built on top of some credit card usage will not do you much good without a steady job. Also, it depends on the car dealers. Some car dealers are really bad, such as Stevens Creek Nissan, South Bay Honda (my personal experience), they will do their best to get the worst rate for you since they also get a small percentage on the the interest of you car loan and/or a commission from the lender.

I recently just purchase a new vehicle and it took me 2 hours in and out of the dealership. What I did was negotiate the price via e-mails with many dealers. Once I got a price I want for the model and color I want, I made an appointment with the dealer and finish the paper work. It took 2 hours to do all the stupid paper work.....  oh.. and of course test drive the car. Thats it. If the dealer add some add-on price, such as unwanted accessories and/or upgrades for some ridiculous price, I simply walk away and ask them never to call me again. Which is what I did with South Bay Honda.

Personally, I  keep track of my credit report every year and set up an credit monitor before making any major purchase. And the credit does include a lot of other information other than how many credit cards you have or had, and payment history. It also includes your job history, your address history, and some of your personal information etc.

Do not be so aggravated. I think your friend just met a bad car dealer/salesman, which most of us car buyers will have the pleasure to meet every once in a while. So chill...

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Kenny_lee ©ó 2008-7-28 11:57 AM ½s¿è ]
 ¼Ó¥D| shinji µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 12:13:50 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h
§Ú­Ì·|¦bdealer«Ý¨º»ò¤[,¦³«Ü¤jªº­ì¦]¦b©ó¨º¥÷§¹¾ãªºcredit report.§Ú·Q§Ú«e­±ªº±Ô­z¥i¯àÅý¨ä¥L¤H¥H¬°¬O§Ú­Ì¶Ã±þ»ù©Ò¥H¤~·|·d¤F¤@¤Ñ..­«ÂI¦b©ó¨º¥÷§¹¾ãªºcredit report.¨º¬O§A¦³¿ú¤]®³¤£¨ìªºªF¦è.´Nºâ§A¦b¥~­±ªá¿ú¨ú±o§Aªºcredit report,¨º¥÷³ø§i¨Ã¤£¬O§¹¾ã³ø§i..§¹¾ãªº³ø§i,¦³µÛ¤Ó¦h¤Ó¦h·N·Q¤£¨ìªºªF¦è.§Ú­Ì·|¦A¨ºÃ䨺»ò¤[,¤@³¡¤Àªº­ì¦]´N¬O¦b©ó¨º¥÷³ø§i³zÅS¥Xªº¨ä¥L¸ê®Æ,Åý§Ú­Ì¤£±o¤£¸òdealerª±¤ß¾÷,³o­Ó¹CÀ¸,¸ò±þ»ù¦h¤Ö,¦¨¥æ»ù¦h¤Ö,«ç¼Ëªº¥I´Ú¤è¦¡§¹¥þ¨S¦³Ãö«Y.

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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ shinji ©ó 2008-7-28 12:28 PM ½s¿è ]
Hua µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 19:18:04 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h
6F Kenny¦³Á¿¨ì¤@­Ó­«ÂI¡A¶U´Úªº«H¥Î»P¤@¯ëªº«H¥Î¤£¤Ó¤@¼Ë¡A©Ò¥H´Nºâ¦³²{ª÷¡AÁÙ¬O­n¶U­Ó´ÚÁÈ­Ó¤À°Õ
sheepli µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 20:17:59 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h


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 ¼Ó¥D| shinji µoªí©ó 2008-7-28 20:54:41 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h

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