(代po: 請直接回覆到blesttea@yahoo.com)
現有Blest Tea在徵兼職的sales,有興趣的人請聯絡Blest Tea~
地點在Grant Ave, SF downtown,
詳細工作時間(以下為參考)和時薪都請聯絡Blest Tea(email如上), 謝謝!
Working hours: around 11am to 7:00pm (flexible)
April: Mon ~ Thur
After (including) May: Fri ~ Sun
In July you may have to work more than 3 days a week
Must speak Mandarin and English, enjoy talking with customers, like drinking tea, outgoing, students are ok.
[ 本帖最後由 francachiu 於 2008-3-16 10:07 PM 編輯 ] |