作者: sheeplvl1
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Need a Ride and Housing Info

sheeplvl 發表於 2007-1-11 15:13:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 12736|回覆: 11
Hello everyone, My name's Stephen and I'm from Chicago(Returned to U.S. at 15 years old). My Chinese Typing's pretty slow compare to English; therefore the typing. Anyways, I will comming to Sacramento on 01.17.07 for the Mini Orientation and then head back to Chicago on the same day. I need to go back b/c I havn't really packed up everything yet. Can someone give me a ride at Sacramento Internal Airpot, or tell me a good alternative transportation? For example, how much is a taxi to Sac State from the airport? Am I better off just rening a car from Budget or Axis($47 and I'm only 22 years old so possibily more expensive)? Please Help me out b/c I'm in a hurry. Also, is there a specific website for off-campus housing around school since it's too late to get a dorm? Where would you recomened to be a good area around Sac State?
In short here's the bulletin for my questions:
1.Can someone pick me up Or Some tips on tranportation.
2.Housing tips.
Thank you~!

If it is better to write in Chinese plz let me know too, I will do my best.
castor09 發表於 2007-1-11 20:12:16 | 顯示全部樓層
First of all, welcome to Sacramento. Melinda, the TSA president of Sac State, who is still in Taiwan and won't come back untill the class start; but I will try to connect someone to help you as possible as we can (cuz there is just a few Taiwanish students stay in Sacramento now, you can even count by your fingers).

About to pick you up when you arrive Sacramento, sorry about that I haven't purchase a car yet. However, I believe that Melinda already come back and can give you a ride at then.

Regarding the housing problem, you may check this website before:; otherwise,  you can also share or take off someone's house after you arrive here.

[ 本帖最後由 castor0907 於 2007-1-11 08:42 PM 編輯 ]
sheeplvl 發表於 2007-1-12 01:40:58 | 顯示全部樓層
Alright~ That sounds really good! Thanks a lot man! Just curious though, Do you by any chance know whether there's cab service from the airport to Sac State? I live in Wilmette in Chicago where they shot the movie Home Alone(小鬼當家) and we have 303 taxi that provides $30 flat rate(okay..expensive rate) to get to my home from airport. Is there similar service in Sacramento, and if so HOW MUCH? Tank you!!
sheeplvl 發表於 2007-1-12 15:22:16 | 顯示全部樓層
I found this Ad on Craigslist, what do you guys think? Is there any BAD neighborhood 3 miles out of Sacramento? Do you think it's a good spot or is 3 miles too far?


3 mi. by bicycle -
3.5mi TO CSUS by car
Good Quiet Study Atmosphere
3 Bdrm in Private House

House amenities:
• Big BIG House
• High Speed BROADBAND Cable
• 3 mi by bicycle on bicycle path from Sac State. So,
• Walk to Light Rail and Bus Stop
• Walking distance to The Hornet Shuttle, or
• Forget Parking at Campus, ride your bike
• 80 feet from Larchmont Park
• Run, Play Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Run again
• 200 feet from Levee and Lush Woods and Trails,
• and American River = Great Swimming and Fishing, Sunbathing
• Very safe neighborhood
• Alcohol and Drug Free Living - A FRIEND OF BILL'S
• A No Smoking House
• Washer and Dryer
• Three refrigerators - option of having your own to yourself
* Mostly MEN, but women are welcome to apply
* Location: 3mi from CSUS
sheeplvl 發表於 2007-1-12 15:30:27 | 顯示全部樓層
外州Junior Transfer 學生(ILLINOIS)到底要付多少學費啊? 如果上十五個學分的話! 我算大概要6800左右(Class =ff,fr,so,jr,sr, or spu=1642 + (339*15)=6860),請問對嗎? 還是應該會在高一點? 謝謝幫忙~
castor09 發表於 2007-1-12 19:40:46 | 顯示全部樓層
Well, I think that house is OK, but do not swimming in American River (trust me, you won't wanna try it).

Regarding the tuition fee, I'm not a regular student when I studied in Sac State; besides, I already transfered to another University now, sorry cannot help you.

However, you can check earlier messages of this board. I think that you can find some useful informations, good luck!
Hitokull 發表於 2007-1-23 11:33:02 | 顯示全部樓層
It is very nice meeting you throught this website.  
Welcome to Sac State!!
sheeplvl 發表於 2007-1-25 00:18:44 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank you~
sheeplvl 發表於 2007-1-25 00:34:49 | 顯示全部樓層
I'm comming to Sac State on Saturday. I will rent a car near airport for 1 week to pass through this transitional period. However, I havn't really struck a permanent place to stay at Sacramento yet, so IS IT POSSIBLE TO STAY AT SOMEONE'S HOME UNTIL I FOUND A PLACE? I will pay 20 dollars for everyday I'm staying at your home! So, Plz let me stay for a little bit!
castor09 發表於 2007-1-25 01:11:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Well, if you don't mind my room is messy, you can stay in my apartment until you find a place in Sacramento. My name is Victor, cell: 916-832-2981, address: 280 Howe Ave. #G, Sacramento, CA 95825.
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