各位 SCU 的同學們,
學期快結束了, 聖誕佳節又到了,
學校為了慶祝, 又舉辦了 "免費甜甜圈+熱咖啡" 活動:
甜甜圈是 Daybreak 的, 是我在美國吃過最好吃的喲.
咖啡則是 Starbucks Coffee.
時間: 11/29 ~ 11/30 8:00-10:00AM
地點: EC101
(真不好意思, 我剛好星期四一早 7-9 有課,
哈哈, 要去多吃幾個囉~~ )
Dear Engineering Graduate Students,
To celebrate the holiday season and almost the end of the quarter, the
Engineering Graduate Services warmly invite you for fresh donuts and hot
coffee (Starbuck's holiday brew), from 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. on the following
two days:
Wednesday, 11/29
Thursday, 11/30
Location: Engineering Graduate Services, Room 101