§@ªÌ: ilin23
À˵ø: 7943|¦^ÂÐ: 0



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A newly renovated private room with brand new furniture for rentA newly renovated private room with brand new furniture for rent
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ilin23 µoªí©ó 2006-11-27 14:30:02 | Åã¥Ü¥þ³¡¼Ó¼h |¾\Ū¼Ò¦¡
À˵ø: 7943|¦^ÂÐ: 0
²Ä¤T©¡BATS Poker Tournament (FALL 2006)

        Berkeley Association of Taiwanese Student

        2006.12.1 (FRI) PM 7:00~11:00

        UC BERKELEY, SODA HALL, Wozniak Lounge

   The First Place                150 Dollars
          The Second Place            100 Dollars
          The Third Place                 50 Dollars
        *Champion Special Prize   Tea of DA YU LIN

*This prize is provided by Spring 2006 Champion ¡VIlin Tsai, to encourage the woman who has the most chips but not going to the final table.
P.S. The prize will be adjusted based on the total buy-in amount.


$ 10 buy in to get 100 chips, could re-buy in the first hour (PM 7:00~8:00) when you run out of chips.
Every 15 minutes raise blind, the first round will start from 7:00~ 9:00, it means there are 9 level of blind set :
Time   Small blind   Big blind
7:00~7:15   1   2
7:15~7:30   2   3
7:30~7:45   3   5
7:45~8:00   5   10
8:00~8:15   10   15
8:15~8:30   15   25
8:30~8:45   25   50
8:45~9:00   50   75
?   When you re-buy in, you could choose any table which has available seat to play (the seat should be the nearest one from big blind)
?   In order to keep the same amount players on different table, we will move the player in the same seat relative to the button. For example:
There are 8 players at TableA, 8 players at TableB, and 7 players at TableC. A player three seats to the left of the button is eliminated from TableC. The TableC dealer deals one card to TableA and one card to TableB. The player presently playing a hand three seats to the left of the button, at the low-carded table, must move to the eliminated player¡¦s seat at TableC. That player will post the big blind at the new table, just as he would have had to do if he had stayed at his original table.

?   Each table (10 players) will come out with one chip leader, and the chip leader could directly go to the final table(10 players). If there are not 10 tables running in the first round, the rest players on the final table will be the wildcards based on the number of chips. For example:     
We have 60 people on 6 tables?6 chip leaders  (Rank 1~6 by chips)
So there are 4 wildcards?the first 4 chip leaders of the rest 54 players (Rank 7~10 by chips)
These 10 players will go to the final table.
?   Final table: Rank 1st gets 300 chips, 2nd 260, and 3rd to 10th are 240, 220, 200, 180, 160, 140, 120, and 100 chips. Every 15 min or every time a player be knocked out, the blind will be raised until the big blind is 200 chips :
Small      Big   BLIND
1   2   
2           4
3   6
5   10
10   20
15   30
25   50
50   100
100   200

Due to the limited space, we decide to open 60 seats for registeration. Please email to ASAP, including your name, email, school or company, single or¡K..

Before 12/1, please email to .
On Game Day, call Ilin (408-646-5770) or
Celest (P of BATS  510-229-7619 )
Cris (VP of BATS  510-333-8106 )
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