Thanks for David and I think it is about time to share with you young kids about my journey in USA. Starting my first step in SDSU for the program of English as second language and it was fun to know so many international students. Maybe that is why I named my club as “around the world.” At the time, I did not yet know what TSA is all about. Till I transferred from NH to CT, I first truly experienced the life within TSA. As big as my school is there were many students from Taiwan, I believe the service like TSA really helped a new student in many ways. I was able to contribute my time through many other activities. After I graduated and it seems life has changed. During my journey as a student, I was able to create my own club and get to know other people. It seems life besides being a student there are many others that we could look forward to. Most people after graduated would try to find a job in states, it is not easy for us to face so many challenges especially your first job. Indeed I did not find my first job, but I find my husband. It happened to some of us and that is also life. It is never easy for any of us to be here on our own while our families are so far away from us. It is okay to dream and trust within your heart to make your journey meaningful. When a group of people would support this idea, we then could see there are traditions continuing at each school everywhere in the world of TSA that helps its fellows to success. As I personally believe we also need beside TSA also a place where we could open up for most any of us to create and reunite via friendship and relationship. That is a mission of believing in someone, as our group grows and pays it forward to make it possible. That is our AAWSC is all about and one step and one person at the time to believe in! |