Date: 9/9 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Governent Briefing: 11:00AM to 12:00 PM)
Venue: Santa Clara Marriott, 2700 Mission College Blvd, Santa Clara
Questions; Call 408-772-0116 John Huang or 408-986-8686 Meiling Chen
Event sign-up Method:
(1) In person sign-up (Event location):
Bring some copies of your resume in order to have an interview with the enterprise that interest you.
(2) Online Sign-up by HiRecruit website :
. Please go to our website Taiwan HiRecuit and click on the " Recruitment Mission News" to sign up for the events & fill
out your resume.
. Online Sign-up Flow:
HiRecruit website Recruitment Mission News Sign-up Talents sign on Choose event location Browse participating enterprises & send resume if interested
Sign-up completed
. : Sign-up procedures
(3) After Sign-up :
You are able to browse participating companies information and the positions they need.
(4) You are able to make interview appointment with the enterprises with the following methods:
. Send resume to enterprises that interest you.
. However, we strongly recommend you to send a resume to the enterprises in case they do not see the matching
outcome |