作者: yushihying
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[申請作業] I need HELP

yushihyi 發表於 2006-7-21 08:12:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 10312|回覆: 5
都已經7月底啦...7 r) r0 ~/ M4 Q! Z; e: Z+ F
UCSF還是沒有通知我到底有沒有宿舍: E, J0 I* }( L: K3 ?
2 _# @6 b! J, V- ~* I  ]/ }我是申請8月底ㄝ...: t& b- d0 s  ]& K+ @$ v
0 x2 r  Y3 H' x, g: ^. {% Q上星期好不容易拜託Housing Office的職員這星期e-mail給我消息,, _' w$ |! j. s( h7 O* p' C& C* [" ?
對方也說好,! E) _( B" H0 I% W% e8 t( _, ]

  n6 g4 i5 w2 s* X6 R2 x0 E( O+ g' l' D
請問還有什麼方法可以逼他們快點給我宿舍消息ㄚ...?; u( X4 g7 L8 P! F) t
6 x5 d" C" T0 I# y8 M) m- [5 {請問誰能幫我用力逼問一下Housing Officeㄋ...?

; k- r, ^: u) `...Please...
hotddt 發表於 2006-7-21 10:44:36 | 顯示全部樓層
2 K' B! J- b" D1 v' K妳還在台灣ㄇ3 N' s4 Y8 [7 B5 H2 P7 n
3 B3 B- ~& D4 h; ^& \( d& L
3 s; U. l8 J3 O' }! M+ _0 ?. @9 @3 E+ n9 E" X
[ 本帖最後由 hotddt 於 2006-7-21 10:46 AM 編輯 ]
ns3068 發表於 2006-7-21 12:14:40 | 顯示全部樓層
hello!/ P" E! ^1 F+ |* [+ ]/ C
I am now staying in UCSF housing apartment.
5 x" s' C0 |' r& e1 |2 DUnfortunately, the other new-arrival PhD, Kiwi, had the similar condition.
3 ]! U  ^: m. B# ]3 lThe staff is not"helpful" as you might think. There is a new director now. Even though, the previous director is not as friendly also. . D6 e( p  u; K5 \$ A8 @: y. {. R
I even called for Kiwe, but they want Kiwi to call himself.2 j$ a  g1 |7 W. F" e  F% z' Q7 {% X
My suggestion is  to find a short-term sublease for a while ( if you really want to stay in UCSF housing) and wait for their information. If you are coming alone, it is not difficult to find a shared apartment in this time of year.
hotddt 發表於 2006-7-21 22:42:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ns3068 於 2006-7-21 12:14 PM 發表+ v- c' {, O. Q6 I" |5 s+ P0 `
hello!! ^' R) v, d  h
I am now staying in UCSF housing apartment.
3 V+ ?: H, \+ AUnfortunately, the other new-arrival PhD, Kiwi, had the similar condition.
5 n+ O5 W9 g  p5 P: J' N; Y5 JThe staff is not"helpful" as you might think. There is a n ...
4 W+ j* y% }% I/ A* q( g  l
9 ~  I; U- w# h( I! Q
2 ]! Z+ |$ Y9 ]2 u
" s" s0 A3 l+ F5 V% ?) [# p. P感謝你在這個小園地裡貢獻
yushihyi 發表於 2006-7-22 23:35:08 | 顯示全部樓層


宿舍終於有消息囉!# z" x+ s3 q) K: a
& X" H* s1 V6 ~0 Z至少可以放心一點!  G' {* z1 U) `1 q$ g
+ P/ [; c% H3 H! t+ }0 `謝謝大家的意見與幫忙
ns3068 發表於 2006-7-24 11:32:25 | 顯示全部樓層
' _' p! D2 A% w( e' L$ K2 M+ zjust to make sure the date with the housing office.
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