作者: chemery
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來建一個 "個人已修課程" 的資料庫吧!

chemery 發表於 2006-6-10 13:57:46 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 6597|回覆: 4
這兒雖然已經有一個  SCU 考古題區, 可是資料真的很有限,
更不知道是誰教的, 哪個年份的課 .....

每次選課, 都有點頭疼,
不知哪些課教得如何, 內容又是如何, 作業型態, 給分寬鬆, 老師好壞 ....

所以, 我建議, 大家每一季末, 就把自己修過的課, 寫個小簡介丟上來,
好讓未來的學弟妹 有個參考...

雖然這還是有點主觀, 但總是一個參考點 ...

選課資訊嚴重不足的 May
Hua 發表於 2006-6-10 21:08:18 | 顯示全部樓層
hotddt 發表於 2006-6-10 21:58:06 | 顯示全部樓層

[ 本帖最後由 hotddt 於 2006-6-11 11:44 PM 編輯 ]
tico 發表於 2006-8-3 17:54:28 | 顯示全部樓層
請問這邊有需要 post undergraduate 的課嗎? Computer Engineering 的課我大致上都有拿過, 在加一些 EE 的課。至於其他的﹐我可以找朋友問問看
zidkenu 發表於 2006-8-6 21:13:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi everyone, EE classes are really difficult to make all in electronic form, you know,
most of them are in papers,
and usually students need 1~2 sources of previous stuffs, sometimes even 3.
That will be A LOT OF PAPERS to scan, and scanning all of it will cost more than one month,

even if you can do it, it will be very difficult to print all of it out,
print lots of jpg files will take LOTS OF TIME

but if they are all in papers, some photocopiers in school or FedEx Kinko can
do VERY FAST photocopying, even two sides 100 pages in a few minutes.
or new students can just borrow them, and return them back after the class is over,
so they don't need to copy them at all =)

In conclusion, I think only papers will work bcos it is much easier, much quicker copying in time.
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