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[申請作業] 請問SJSU的MBA問題

Elisatie 發表於 2006-2-15 00:32:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 10766|回覆: 3
Sample TextSample Text
/ G- R0 B$ F' F" ^1 Q0 J
1 t% @4 o: o8 r$ y* u/ b1 L' t. t請問我想申請SJSU,但是還沒有考托福,請問是否可以先去念他的Pre MBA,然後在那裡考TOFEL&GMAT,如果過了然後直接申請MBA呢?. d8 o+ z8 u8 u6 H9 f
hotddt 發表於 2006-2-15 00:48:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by Elisatien at 2006-2-15 12:32 AM:
4 l8 Z8 J- t1 j! e, MSample TextSample Text# j1 p# `7 Q: H' s, h; f$ K
$ }) b- s  p4 b( M; G
請問我想申請SJSU,但是還沒有考托福,請問是否可以先去念他的Pre MBA,然後在那裡考TOFEL&GMAT,如果過了然後直接申請MBA呢?
. f; f' _0 W2 R: W  f$ ^, ~1 j不然截止日 ...
5 K! e3 P+ f7 |" G; q
6 _0 H) W: g4 R- @6 Q' y1 I

. ~3 ^2 r. y2 q) X( b我以前在SAN JOSE STATE的語言學校呆過
7 E' J% o# d9 t2 E! t( V" h5 ^6 @1 N: G
你說的Pre MBA也是語言學校裡面的一個課程,不需考拖福就可以進去; U0 B" p' Z7 @; g: Y
只是入學時他會考一個分班測試' a6 p  U4 L8 {& j

, x) L* [* ~9 Z) X.(我個人建議最少都要拖福500分在去上這個課程,不然你有聽沒有懂)/ {* ]- p, T. y7 i5 U6 B

2 x1 ?3 k; b) p' i6 Z2 D4 J0 x' l% X! Q如果你進pre MBA識為了考試,那我還是建議你留在台灣補習,台灣的教材才是快準狠.
2 N1 H- q8 h% _8 n$ e
% I) y: k4 O5 g( ~! {另外,請你一定要在台灣把一個考試搞定再過來,不然在這邊你會拖上一年,勝至兩年,到時後進退兩難就很辛苦了5 j8 E  \8 t, x7 r% l# A
$ i" y+ B9 H2 j/ r
* Q( J) K# Q6 U. ^6 V" d3 c4 h) X上了這個課程不代表你一定可以進MBA.
# R$ O) C0 G8 u; L9 q! x% e9 I3 h% u  W, }: L% n/ J$ s! @
如果你可以達到SAN JOSE STATE MBA的標準 (GMATE/ TOFEL)1 G; D% p; w( L% ?
那我相信你可以申請UC.不用屈就CAL. v+ Q1 {+ [# @* J$ |) S

" I. }& s$ J! C; d, |我還是建議你在台灣把該考的事考完在過來,在美國生活並不是這麼容易7 Q3 k( z8 l. i/ f4 M. G; H" |9 x
我就是當初什麼都沒準備,想說到美國學比較快.結果撞了一鼻子灰.7 t) R2 X; j! ^8 x6 A1 O

) B) B$ z$ e& M如果你是想提早到美國來適應環境,練習英文,我建議你去中部或東岸0 x1 w2 a6 B) ?0 B4 l. |
在矽谷,你講中文也可以通8 q. s; z7 p) M4 [2 l

( z8 K" j3 e2 |( `; y( G如果是我,我會在台灣把拖福和GMAT考完,申請好學校之後,提早半年來美國適應環境,(例如,考駕照,練習語文......).剛到美國會有很多雜事,你根本沒有很好的讀書環境., J3 k: Q9 a5 r9 ~% Z5 i% h8 u7 l4 M

' q$ `/ y& h; N/ U這是我個人經驗啦  P% g- s2 L4 L  Q

1 |: ~* ~  S' G
- A4 ]3 k( r! t9 v我會把你的問題轉給在SAN JOSE STATE MBA的朋友,請他幫你解答8 t0 \# z1 p4 l5 t! _1 S
! @: }+ Z* y4 P# D
2 I8 `/ E: }# u3 l  H
3 x1 U, {* ]% S2 y  \3 a  E8 n( ~* j# t/ z! N( M
[ Last edited by hotddt on 2006-2-15 at 12:56 AM ]
hotddt 發表於 2006-2-16 02:14:12 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi!!!  `+ g3 T9 U$ ]5 }. f' @
我目前就讀SJSU的 MBA-ONE program. 這個program設計為一年的課程,包含的是general 的MBA課程.我本身是工科出身,以前沒有碰過商科的東西所以讀的有點辛苦!如果你如果有商科的背景我想應該不是太大的問題,只要你能聽的懂老師說啥的話,我部分同學本身有商科的背景,所以看她們讀的沒我吃力!
0 F2 D6 G* ]7 L這個program的好處是一年就畢業!!但是他的難處是在於你要有很強的 self-motivation.因為差不多每兩個月就換下一門課.所以老師上課的速度很快,你還得要有很強的聽力,閱讀能力以及溝通能力,因為老師上各講話的速度蠻快,要看要寫的報告也多.我現在每天的工作就是跟同學準備presentations,討論功課. 得自己督促自己不能說根部上就擺爛.因為presentation大多是team work你如果一擺爛整組就會毀了!
( }8 {7 ^' p; `2 c0 X/ u我們班上目前學生19個,只有四個不是美國人,不過同學都很nice蠻願意幫忙的,但是身為四個其中一個的我得訓練自己能夠有辦法溝通,因為有時候碰到難題的時候,你要能夠表達你不懂的部份,你也得了解人家解釋給你聽的答案.你會覺得你的時間真的不是很夠用.每天有寫不完的功課,準備不完的報告,得自己安排時間做該做的事情.9 [% E& R- k4 \# |& D: j% r
至於pre-MBA方面,我的看法跟David一樣,你也許應該在台灣準備TOEFL and GMAT會比較不浪費時間." \; `: j: a9 _0 y2 r, ~  K
. K) b& M0 K' D' s7 @
! \7 v3 c4 x3 m8 B- x& T# \3 W" g8 ~=============================================1 C. R: g+ a1 R$ @! d% @) K

) Z- F% h" e! `; s( `4 u original post by Jay, current MBA student in SJSU
hotddt 發表於 2006-2-17 02:11:50 | 顯示全部樓層
San Jose State University has a very popular MBA program called MBA-One, which means students can actually earn an MBA degree in one year by taking 16 courses in a cohort group. In addition, the tuition fee (around $22,500 for the entire program) is the same no matter it's an international student or a domestic student.
9 P3 r8 D3 m& \0 z! j% w! L' a
& x4 S4 W9 f# t" Z- R5 HIn order to be admitted, a candidate needs to meet the following requirements:! J/ b- S8 K: _# e
1. Complete 4 years' of education in an undergraduate program,
' S# O7 R& T; `: `) e1 G7 H: C2. A GPA of 3.0 or higher in the last 60 units of the undergradute program
* |* U$ O3 s, v2 n  E* U3. CBT of 213 or higher (79 on iBT)( S* _* I1 ^) x) o
4. GMAT of 500 AND 50th percentile on verbal as well as math section% z2 s2 R+ {. w' b" @1 n% v

( d  |8 W* l+ ~, iStudies in American Language is an intensive English training program on San Jose State University campus. Its MBA Preparation program not only helps students prepare for GMAT, but also helps them acquire the skills they need in order to succeed in an MBA program. It only admits those who have achieved a TOEFL of 530 or higher. Otherwise, they cannot benefit from this intensive training program. This program accepts students in August and in January only. Each semester lasts 17 weeks.
+ E0 b9 z# [' l; o  g( w
: Q5 F4 |9 l* d, |0 }  q! lTo be honest, if a student comes in January without enough TOEFL score and GMAT score, it is tough to struggle with two tests in a few months as the TOEFL deanline is April 1 and the GMAT deadline is in May. However, many students are able to reach 550 on TOEFL in a couple of months.. H9 u1 u' ?- t$ L' l

9 m. _# t) ~9 t# o# vIf a student joins the MBA prep. program in the fall, then he/she has enough time to get ready for both TOEFL and GMAT. I personally think it's a better solution.
$ K+ f% U' n$ ~# o- V3 W9 C- n
; Y3 m8 Q- v7 H" E/ oThere is a close partnership between the MBA-One program at SJSU and the MBA Prep. program at SAL. MBA-One usually gives the SAL students a few special allowances.) ]) i6 T$ a: {3 \/ u! y2 b. n
: f/ L, w  x* G$ S" J9 {
However, it must be made clear that graduation from the MBA Prep. program at SAL does not guarantee the admission to MBA-One program.4 X2 I4 J; H$ U+ I. C5 r
- O, ~: a& y2 \9 H7 b
Thanks again, David, for your support. If there are other people who are interested in our MBA Preparaion program, please refer them to me!
- b' E; _7 Y6 @7 I # d( P" T; I4 d9 N1 B6 J
, X3 U. _) z8 C, dJulie
3 u2 L) |. p7 u5 G7 n* F& A9 B==========================================
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