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[其他] Ranking of America's Best Graduate School

Hua 發表於 2006-2-8 15:31:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 20914|回覆: 2
U.S. News & World Report Ranking 2005
8 R+ Q8 r# @% o: Z5 p+ R8 O/ {4 ZIn the annual US News and World Report 2005 (available on the web now, hard copy end of the year) ranking of US Economics graduate programs, UCSD Economics was named the tenth (10th) best economics program in the US. That's up from seventeenth in 2001, and second only to Berkeley in public universities. We even nosed out our sister campus, UCLA. UCSD is by decades the youngest of the top ten economics PhD programs.
4 g1 S2 o' |7 t; M( h9 ~- Y- S9 W, P- p: [1 a5 k1 L
There was special recognition of UCSD's leading role in econometrics (statistical analysis of economic data), ranking UCSD number 2 in that specialty, right after MIT. Additional specialties ranked were microeconomics (prices, markets, economic theory) 12th, public finance (taxation and government programs) 13th, macroeconomics (unemployment, inflation, business cycles) 16th, and international economics 16th. . Q/ z! h: E% {# c! C" q( d
/ L$ ~4 r8 {7 Q4 M
The survey is based on questionnaires distributed to department chairs and graduate study directors at leading economics programs throughout the country.
- X* L2 O2 R3 `* [( x& F( i" q- f' h; Y* \3 @* N6 {
US News & World Report
3 q* A/ c* U9 }, g3 K, TRanking of America's Best Graduate Schools: Economics+ R+ `) U) j$ }" V* Q) S) i2 }
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 A: r6 ]" u/ |2. University of Chicago 8 [! V; ~1 ]( s
3. Harvard University (MA) # l& Y9 q+ j& R8 S  B/ \  t4 E
4. Princeton University (NJ)
4 c. u) {4 M( B. {) c3 N5. Stanford University (CA)
( l: ~9 e# L8 h) y3 u/ C6. University of California–Berkeley
' g! p2 S0 T$ a8 j% e7. Yale University (CT)
: q; `0 _, f. K% M: g8 o' T5 B# X7 x8. Northwestern University (IL) 6 r  `, a3 h5 W5 Z1 t
9. University of Pennsylvania / C5 X9 `3 o. c( G) R
10. University of California – San Diego   h4 ~" ~5 [( R9 t! W
11. Columbia University (NY)
5 k  u+ J+ v1 P" y12. University of California – Los Angeles
3 J" Y- A# T) g! T3 |% G( Q  W5 D13. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
0 F/ A/ i' F' J* O% e, ]: X14. University of Wisconsin–Madison ( H# ^+ V: o+ [9 z6 ~
15. New York University ' B& d7 J, R# o7 z! F9 j+ b
16. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities # o9 |( e! G- }2 g5 r
17. California Institute of Technology
1 t7 L8 o- ?: s5 o9 T$ x$ Q18. Cornell University (NY) - q) n) r& K3 a3 }6 C1 B8 N8 M
19. University of Rochester (NY) 8 W/ h9 q0 }; L* }7 r; K
20. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 6 T1 d/ N  R1 {
21. Brown University (RI)
3 t/ i/ M9 |  e4 D3 Y- y22. Duke University (NC)
/ d% [: ^0 `5 i" ?1 U5 H( c& L23. University of Maryland–College Park 8 V. d( h( u2 N; {2 O' A
24. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
$ @5 `0 m# S8 b: ~25. Boston University 6 j4 |7 Y; ^& T
26. University of Texas–Austin
starisblind 發表於 2009-12-1 20:39:42 | 顯示全部樓層
你好!!!* e7 S6 ?; T9 T) p8 c  C; b
我在seattle讀college...有一點問題!!% ]4 w1 v% C9 y" r: E9 {1 \* G) m
如果我成績不太好; s9 o; O* ^' _
university of WA 和seattle university 以外, 可以選擇什麼的大學?
PhoenixJack 發表於 2009-12-2 10:50:45 | 顯示全部樓層
: a$ L" W) o- h( U$ E  W如果你是要念大學部 又是理工科
# r! D- H) a) t% O2 k7 P要有四年念不完的心理準備 / X5 ?  h* q% _, g3 Y! M
(第一年修的課算是台灣高二高三的程度 物理化學數學)1 [, U/ z. I4 N; t
有些學校讓你用考試拿學分6 i2 n3 ~  U" M! F$ x
譬如 如果你微積分不錯 考試過了就不用修課3 V% j5 ]. i; F9 N% r
$ w# J- C/ o6 `$ d- P* ?
1 {& u% ^3 B# D2 n- u建議你在社區大學先念個一年 把基礎課程的學分先拿到4 V$ B  A( X# x2 O7 o( ]
3 q0 g0 _' X' j6 L  ^再申請轉學! \( W5 y4 I+ H$ G3 {9 u7 E
(打電話去學校確認可以轉學分 再拿課)
9 m' d* }# u% S  _: u* Z/ `比較省% ~0 x" M' C( e! M

0 N1 I8 Q* a* X. X' @1 f. x" J如果是申請研究所 有些學校會讓你有條件入學 修大學課程來補成績
2 u8 }! A& @, |  ?4 u' p1 E1 U2 I1 {8 `1 v" j' f# c) T
當然也是有學店類的學校 有錢就可以去 也發I20 可是畢業後能幹嘛 我就不清楚了
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