! y9 ?2 g( s& r0 V# U0 O留美選擇學校,最重要的就是要先考慮這個學校是否被認證。 8 ~2 P& o# p% @: e; ?' m4 g
當你念完書想找事做,你的老板會仔細地看你的文憑。畢業於經過認證的學校,這個時候用處就大了,因為許多公司只會考慮聘用經過認證學校的畢業生。 9 J4 [$ u6 c# Z5 v6 V
6 `% F5 j; N. }1 q現在讓我們一起來看看美國學校的評審制度。
1 q8 Y# u8 a# V$ q% y5 _; \美國學校如何評審" z* n) I4 @, `& d w" `& S1 R
( p7 M9 Y) R) I: i評估一所學校或一項計劃,認證機構通常有下列步驟: q' h( d9 W$ P) j$ j8 X/ Y% p
1) 各校事先準備好的自我評估;
% }0 ^0 k! l( v% R* O2) 認證機構指定小組審查自我評估,拜訪校園,實地探詢,作成報告; 0 [+ ?2 D7 F6 Y0 d: c- [6 T
3) 認證機構決定是否通過給予認證。 & B3 _ J d/ o+ m J0 f
在認證通過前,某些單位獲得的是「暫時認證」;不過這並不能保證這些單位一定能獲得認證。 - {9 A; p" A1 P$ ~8 T- r
7 l, n% S4 v0 I& |+ i" g' F美國有六個區域認證機構,它們主要功能在評估教育單位,包括公立和私立大學和學院及其他相關學校. 這六個機構是: 1 o- C. C6 ]9 Q9 O& d* t* p
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools ! ~ X) k8 w: X6 z
New England Association of Schools and Colleges 6 N$ j; a1 s. }# S
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
: N5 t0 m1 h, O. J# q4 [1 B9 t+ j% cNorthwest Association of Schools and Colleges ( B$ J+ ]- i2 H/ b
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 6 C9 o& S( @- Y: i+ _
Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
; @ y. x( ~$ n R2 Y3 [# W每一認證機構負責該區各州審核工作。
% I! a) m8 s+ \Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools 7 I# h+ d6 ]: S2 Z! M2 D
8 n- @7 J. v1 }: o* j, N, SNew England Association of Schools and Colleges
3 u" m* F R/ Q- v. Y0 x; `該區機構負責審核高等教育及職業訓練單位,地區包括康乃狄克州、緬因州、麻薩諸塞州、新罕布夏州、羅德島和佛蒙特州。 0 D4 @+ ~+ S6 m' E8 ~; ]* R+ w+ V
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
8 Z2 g* i5 Y& Y+ g責地區包括﹕亞利桑那州、阿肯色州、科羅拉多州、伊利諾州、印地安那州、愛阿華州、堪薩斯州、密西根州、明尼蘇達州、密蘇里州、內布拉斯加州、新墨西哥州、北達科達州、俄亥俄州、奧克拉荷馬州、南達科達州、西維吉尼亞州、威斯康辛州和懷俄明州。 2 a* V0 N) M5 }; K* Z
Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges 1 {1 J5 o( q$ y4 P8 B: l$ W
負責地區包括﹕阿拉巴馬州、佛羅里達州、喬治亞州、肯塔基州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州、北卡羅萊納州、南卡羅萊納州、田納西州、德州和維吉尼亞州。 ( T& M R( S2 K' l3 L
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
% V7 L% G/ \) r f4 P' o2 c負責地區包括﹕阿拉斯加州、愛達荷州、蒙大拿州、內華達州、俄勒岡州、猶他州和華盛頓州。
. Z1 n$ d& f& {0 d4 G0 D# `* @& v8 XWestern Association of Schools and Colleges' \8 c4 k' h9 R4 ^
* T' P$ u& C' {& a3 J教育單位認證機構: 9 q+ i4 Z: T+ y
Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET); 5 n, q. t8 ]+ Q. U7 M1 d5 y
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS); Distance Education and Training Council 1 d4 ~9 B. D5 n( h, _0 f
教育單位認證與計畫認證/ P4 V4 x4 l/ }* w2 ^
1 k' h! T* [! y* D9 y# T, IPrograms and Professional Accrediting Agencies
7 U. s; `5 Y# c0 MProgram1 s: T% S$ c3 Y% X4 P. b
Accrediting Agency & B3 s B& ]- W
3 T$ V' S8 x# q- Z i! LNational Accreditation Committee for Schools and Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
& T. f# I$ L8 M+ YAllied Health
& i, {6 ^: b- K1 UCommission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs' x3 A, B( R j; _$ z! [- ?6 @
' E' }$ B( S* y% y1 SNational Architectural Accrediting Board
& M2 F& A0 j( f, h, Q/ G; Y# G3 y' x0 ^! `Art and Design; C" e9 ]' B# C' X
National Association of Schools of Art and Design
! i. ~8 G- d! T: f0 aBusiness
- [; ]0 |- w; Y# t3 pAssociation of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs
) a/ X0 T7 w& t9 i+ W2 i: V! @Chiropractic & o2 T% x! G4 m2 I! T; C" }
The Council on Chiropractic Education
- p, g) v" w7 j O2 {; j, bDance
; d, U7 J7 Z4 }4 W$ N& Z! JNational Association of Schools of Dance
. {7 U7 k+ |& n# C+ ODentistry
3 \- o$ k. y! n0 D+ ?* |Commission on Dental Accreditation, American Dental Association
1 Y3 H9 S2 @' GEducation, M9 D3 r( ^! |2 t9 T1 Y
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
) W7 n$ H l3 \ cEngineering$ K( G# o0 N9 t% x8 u
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.
6 A+ Y! R! s. G: G/ rEnvironment
: W% W! l% m |. I; qNational Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation3 Y0 G+ @! [ h! d, U0 }# q$ E7 _
Health Services Administration, Q o5 {2 Q3 a$ H1 I @
Accrediting Commission on Education for Health Services Administration
6 c. ?- m. ~( {+ P1 `) AInterior Design3 h& f( g, [+ A3 A, _
Foundation for Interior Design Education Research
: e0 @# ^( l0 N' m X: jJournalism and Mass Communications9 ^8 A* y6 Q" O d1 L: ~* z
Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications
+ f' N ^0 \) @5 x [Law
4 Z# k( U2 k1 LAmerican Bar Association
$ w f1 b T% D; s7 w' _2 C) ~Marriage and Family Therapy & J5 b( T7 |* H0 x
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
3 n) y# A, f4 e& _5 L7 I' EMedicine
5 N' d& f% C; MLiaison Committee on Medical Education, Association of American Medical Colleges, American Medical Association
; f' e: }! p& g5 S7 v" |8 OMusic 0 r" @2 P% l% o" @" I+ f1 k) }
National Association of Schools of Music! a7 o9 @. S& @; ~( \: P4 G
Naturopathic Medicine
1 z7 r7 _9 t6 l# _* ^8 T1 f" aCouncil on Naturopathic Medical Education8 ` d0 _1 T8 \% Q1 [
Nurse Anesthesia) n# E% T! h( {
Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthetists Educational Programs; ]- @" }1 p! ]8 }4 W
Nurse Midwifery8 f2 |, ~0 t9 j7 l! X
Division of Accreditation, American College of Nurse-Midwives2 n1 T+ R0 R% `! b# P/ j
3 H8 N3 P1 d% F3 zAccreditation Services, National League for Nursing, Inc.) r0 J! k% j% T- ~' D) v0 _% G0 T8 I
Occupational Therapy
* w& Y6 i( l6 }+ ^7 F, d" E# ?Accreditation Department, American Occupational Therapy Association
6 F$ @: a* y, H) B1 y' Z1 DOptometry5 O, n- c0 q( }: L6 n
Council on Optometric Education, American Optometric Association
4 }+ A) S8 m4 R' W, p! L; }+ `8 eOsteopathic Medicine9 O2 z0 e3 s+ w0 ]
Department of Education, American Osteopathic Association) Q$ [' e/ q3 C0 O) K
1 B7 n5 r# o% n8 D8 W% HAmerican Council on Pharmaceutical Education
$ s/ L, Y5 V- b# M, M! P/ s4 [% Z! Y, VPhysical Therapy$ \4 m+ M0 a7 m. w# p1 _+ ^" Q7 o
American Physical Therapy Association
?/ G6 C5 H: a% iPodiatric Medicine
3 c6 {% M" U& Y7 {( Y7 U! @9 h- V; HCouncil on Podiatric Medical Education, American Podiatric Medical Association. p# ?5 @# J' p
Psychology 5 ~% `% [* S1 Z
Program Consultation and Accreditation Office, American Psychological Association8 I2 V C8 R1 K/ Q" U& v+ _+ {- R
Public Health$ h6 h4 @# z9 [: m! Q2 x
Council on Education for Public Health
0 F9 U6 a' Z5 l9 R) a+ e% \0 ?Rabbinical and Talmudic Education
% x0 ?+ d! S+ ]1 F" xAssociation of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools
) _7 ~( E0 Z4 S7 OSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiology
! F& N! k6 z; y* v6 m$ RAcademic Affairs and Credentialing Division, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
. V( M# @3 e2 r/ w6 u6 w5 G0 XTheater
& ]4 l S& J0 r& j! cNational Association of Schools of Theatre
0 Q1 u1 k) q+ D" Y7 ?Theology 0 |2 {: n! G Z
Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
+ m, f3 ~& M, P- K4 fVeterinary Medicine0 u, U: R- f1 }" A) s# m. L
American Veterinary Medicine Association |