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相信大家都已經通過期中考的煎熬了吧?為了要讓大家抒解繁重的課業壓力,以及增進各會員的感情,BATS特別在下個星期天晚上六點,於Soda Hall的Wozniak Lounge舉辦 「2005 BATS Texas Hold’em World Championship」。來來來,想必各位已經開始摩拳擦掌、躍躍一試了吧?隱姓埋名的賭神、賭俠、賭聖和賭徒們,終於到了你們現身的時候了!冠軍獎品保證超值,對自己牌技有信心的各位會員,校友或是眷屬們,請踴躍報名參加。
時間:11/6 (Sunday) 6:00pm
地點: Wozniak Lounge, Soda Hall
費用: 10USD
人數: 40人 (額滿為止,所以請大家儘早報名)
1. Table
* This is a No-limit Texas Hold’em; in any betting round every player can go all-in.
* Players play against each other. There is no commission for the dealer in the final table.
2. Time setting
* Drafting: 6:00 pm
* 1st round: 6:30 – 8:00pm (blinds increase every 30 min)
* Recess: 8:00 – 8:10pm
* 2nd round: 8:10 – 10:00pm (blinds increase every 30 min)
3. Rounds
* 1st round: Each player plays against each other.
* The top 10 players, according to chip count, will enter the final table (2nd round) for the championship battle.
4. Chips
* Each player will be assigned 50 chips in the beginning. Each chip represents $100 with no difference in colors.
* At the end of first round, chips will be counted and registered for each player. Top 10 players will be playing with exactly the same number of chips.
5. Blinds
* 1st round: blinds start with 1-2, and increase to 2-4, and 3-6 every half hour.
* 2nd round: blinds start with 4-8, and increase to 5-10, and 6-12 every half hour.
6. Prize
* The 1st place: prize equivalent to 25 percent of the pot
(Estimated at $100)
* The 2nd place: prize equivalent to 15 percent of the pot
* The 3rd place: prize equivalent to 12.5 percent of the pot
* The 4th place: prize equivalent to 10 percent of the pot
* The 5th place: prize equivalent to 7.5 percent of the pot
* The 6th place: prize equivalent to 6 percent of the pot
* The 7th place: prize equivalent to 5 percent of the pot
* The 8th place: prize equivalent to 4 percent of the pot
* The 9th place: prize equivalent to 2.5 percent of the pot
* The 10th place: prize equivalent to 2.5 percent of the pot
請有意參加的同學們在下週三以前回信給 林崇勳同學
(chl@eecs.berkeley.edu) 以方便我們統計。
http://boardgames.about.com/cs/poker/a/texas_rules.htm |