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danny803 發表於 2005-8-24 00:01:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 7734|回覆: 0
Declaration of Self-Determination for Taiwan

All people are created equal; and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, the most fundamental of which is the Right of Self-determination.

Communist China’s long train of abuses and acts of aggression against Taiwan have but one design, and that is the overthrow of the government and the expansion of the Communist China Empire. Red China is doing everything in their power to cripple Taiwan’s economy while threatening to invade and impose Communist rule with military force.

In 1949 –1951, Red China invaded Tibet and killed over 1.5 million people as part of their goal of reunification.
In 1995-1996, Red China launched missiles across the Taiwan Straight to intimidate the Taiwanese People and dampen their demands for independence.
In 2000, Red China issued the White Paper. If Taiwan refuses to surrender to reunification, Red China will ''adopt all drastic measures possible, including the use of force'' to invade Taiwan.
In 2005, China's parliament unanimously passed the infamous Anti-Separation law which sanctions the use of 'non-peaceful means' to stop Taiwan’s movement for self-determination.

Beginning in 2001, China threatened Investment Banks who support Taiwan that were guilty of “political misconduct” and would be banned from doing business in China. Credit Suisse First Boston’s contract to finance China's No. 2 cell-phone company was cancelled because of the bank’s support of Taiwan.

Today China is threatening to use Nuclear Weapons if they invade Taiwan and if the United States attempts to intervene.

Whereas the Taiwanese People live in constant fear knowing what Red China is capable of and not knowing what steps Red China will take next to take over Taiwan; and in order to defend Democracy and secure the Right of Self-Determination, the five foremost American Investment Banks who control much of the world’s economy and have the greatest influence with the governments of China and the U.S.A, must guarantee in writing that they will not sellout Taiwan in order to do business with Red China.

We the People have the Right to call and complain. By calling together, we the People have the Power to impose economic sanctions against these Investment Banks. We intend to call and email one bank at a time in such numbers and with such persistence as to overwhelm their communication systems with the shear volume of our calls and emails and thus put their business on hold until they join us in support of Democracy and Self-Determination for Taiwan.

If these five Major Investment Banks want to use their phones and conduct their business, they will stand up to Red China and cut off the funding necessary for China’s booming economy in order to defend Taiwan. They will call and tell the President of the United States and members of Congress to demand Self-Determination for Taiwan — and it shall be done.

從2001年開始,中國即恐嚇其投資銀行,支持台灣是罪惡不當的行為,並可能遭受中國拒絕交易的報復。Credit Suisse First Boston與中國第二大行動電話公司的借貸合約即遭受廢止,因其對台灣的支持。中國並威脅使用核子武器,如果美國試圖在中國入侵台灣時協防,然而台灣人民長久居住在中國的威脅恐嚇中,只知道中國有能力做的事情,但卻沒有警覺到何謂中國的下一個步驟來奪取台灣。為了保衛民主自由及保障人民自決的權利,我們要求有能力控制世界經濟及影響中國與美國政府的前五大投資銀行書面保證,將不會在與中國交易的過程中為了利益出賣台灣的民主自由。
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