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【求助】請問貴校Evening MBA的一些問題 (收到入學許可了) ^ ^

Hua 發表於 2005-4-5 15:01:30 | 顯示全部樓層
joshih 發表於 2005-4-5 18:33:00 | 顯示全部樓層

scu mba


I think our mba in finance is pretty good, very practical. However, Das' class is more theoritical than that of Sarin. as a scu veteran ('04) I will suggest you to attend scu mba program. My favorite professors are Sarin and Das. If you heard of CFA program, Dr. Statman is actually the writer for one of its books, and the executive board member.

For CPA, you can probably prepare it in the first 6 months at SCU, during then you may have less workload. But if your english is not good enough, u may need to spend a lot more time than other students do.

For earthquake, let's knock on woods.

For campus safty, it's recommended that you polish on your driving skills. So when you have to party, u can drink and drive. just kididing...

Good luck and hope you become one of us, SCUMBA!!
if you find irene, u can probably find me.

Joseph Shih

(Hi Irene, we need to do dinner sometimes before i return taipei! Sorry i missed last EOQ dinner, haha...)
Blueted 發表於 2005-4-5 21:04:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by Hua at 2005-4-5 03:01 PM:

我把精神跟時間都花在調查哪個老師好混啊 :)
去打打電動啊 交交女朋友啊
jessyhsi 發表於 2005-4-8 13:10:24 | 顯示全部樓層

I’m taking the capstone class now.  It’s a business strategy class that integrates all aspects we’ve learned during the program.

One of the good things about SCU MBA program is its flexibility.  It requires students to complete the degree within 6 years.  So you can pace your study as you like.  However, there’s a requirement for international students to take a minimum number of courses per quarter.  So it’s not uncommon for international students to graduate within 2 years.
You may also choose courses listed under the Saturday MBA program when seats are available.  Courses are provided in summer as well, although there are fewer options than regular quarters.

Since your background is business related, you might want to consider taking waiver exams.  Check it out here:

One of my classmates who concentrates in accounting & finance told me that the head of ACTG dept is considering providing some short-term courses specific for CPA exams.  I don’t know if it’s already a plan yet.  You can check with them.

There are some online discussion groups created by SCU MBA students and
are opened to MBA students and alumni. They are good resources for information sharing.

Good luck and happy study in SCU!

Jessica Hsiao

[ 本文章最後由 jessyhsiao 於 2005-4-8 at 02:52 PM 編輯修改 ]
 樓主| laiyuh 發表於 2005-7-14 14:44:34 | 顯示全部樓層

一個summer term 十週修六堂課,
提供連結在下面供有想考cpa,會計學分卻不夠的同學們參考。 ... e_program/index.cfm

thank you all m^ ^m
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