You know, when you are local, companies can call you up again anytime, say one week, two weeks, or three weeks, after your first interview to come in for a second interview. That's why a lot of people moved to CA to look for a job. I think the job market for software folks is still bad. So, it's all too normal that your resume sinks to the bottom of the sea, especially if you are not local or are not from top schools (well, that's what I always tell myself haha meaning i am not from top school, and i am in no way saying your school is not a top school...but i know mine isn't haha). So my suggestion is that if you are really DETERMINED to find a job here, then you should move here. In fact, after you move here, you might see things in a different prespective (ie, you will soon realize how much money you have to bring home in order to make a decent living here, how housing cost in the Bay Area is ridiculously high, and how Uncle Sam takes away 1/3 of each of your paycheck). *bitter* :P |