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[北加州] 示威抗議中華人民共和國所擬制的 “反分裂法”

 樓主| danny803 發表於 2005-2-15 14:27:38 | 顯示全部樓層

 樓主| danny803 發表於 2005-2-15 14:30:19 | 顯示全部樓層
As for the possible and specific contents of the "anti-separation law", our understanding is that it will present "unification" as the only valid option in cross-strait relations. It will also unilaterally define the meaning, scope and legal consequences of "anti-separatist" activities, and explicitly stipulate which actions and conditions would constitute de facto independence and thus separation from the motherland. The law would also enforce legal responsibility and possible punishment for actions perceived as promoting independence, as well as guidelines for the treatment of "separatists" before, during and after the potential use of force against Taiwan. These regulations would apply to citizens, enterprises, organizations and government officials in both China and Taiwan. In fact, the law can be seen as an enabling act of legalizing war, authorizing the People's Liberation Army, Armed Police and Militia to resolve the "Taiwan problem" through non-peaceful measures. At the same time, the law will again declare the "Taiwan problem" as an internal affair and state that no external force should interfere in the Taiwan Strait.

The passage of the "anti-separation law" would have a severe impact on cross-strait relations and on the peace and stability of the region. Firstly, as the name of the law clearly entails, China wishes to declare the current status quo in the Taiwan Strait as "unified" and not "separate", a claim that runs counter to the present cross-strait political reality of "two separate and equal entities" and is tantamount to unilaterally changing the status quo. Secondly, in formulating the "anti-separation law", China wishes to establish itself as the sole force that can dominate and shape the cross-strait environment at will. In doing so, China completely ignores the international community's understanding of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. China not only threatens to seriously damage regional peace and stability, but does so in a provocative defiance of the global community that is very concerned about security and stability in the region. In particular, China authorizes itself to interpret the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, thus violating the interests of other nations in this region. Another point to consider is that Taiwan is a pluralistic, democratic society where the population enjoys freedom of speech. Although China's proposed "anti-separation law" is a domestic law, the fact is that for Taiwanese businesspeople investing in China, Taiwanese students and tourists in the mainland, and even international corporations, this law will constitute a form of "red terror", which in turn will certainly affect normal exchanges across the Taiwan Strait.
 樓主| danny803 發表於 2005-2-15 14:44:34 | 顯示全部樓層
The group holding this activity will have a press release on Wednesday, 2/16/05 at 4:00pm. You are welcomed to participate.

After the press conference, a light dinner will be served, then eneryone will make about signs for the protest on Saturday together.

They need your brightening thought and input for the wording of the signs. If you have any ideas, please reply.
jcw007 發表於 2005-2-15 15:47:44 | 顯示全部樓層
你指哪一個?我每天掛在這個網上 沒發現有什麼被亂刪亂改的

:biggrin: Exactly! 因為已經被改掉啦,所以你看不到呀...If you could still see what's been modified/deleted, wouldn't it defeat the whole purpose of modification/deletion? Now, is that something thoughtless you said or you had actually given thoughts to that before you said it?

The focus of my post is not who can post what here, but what gets attention, what doesn't get attention, and what gets modified/deleted. I know it's easy to get diverted from the issue here, and you are only human (so am I) :biggrin:
downtown 發表於 2005-2-15 16:07:21 | 顯示全部樓層


downtown 發表於 2005-2-15 16:14:14 | 顯示全部樓層
people get attention 不等於 people reply this post

就像我回了一些 你又回了一些
ppstar 發表於 2005-2-15 19:20:26 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by danny803 at 2005-2-16 05:35 AM:
Please join us on Saturday 2/19.
Our country needs you. No matter you are blue, gree, orange, yellow, or even rainbow.
Let our voice being heard, let US know we also concern about the law  ...

不是2/26 嗎? 我爸怎麼跟我說是2/26?
 樓主| danny803 發表於 2005-2-15 23:29:34 | 顯示全部樓層
there is another one "candle lightening" at union square on 2/26
sorry about the confusion
 樓主| danny803 發表於 2005-2-15 23:30:54 | 顯示全部樓層
希望中國共產黨政府能尊重台灣人民的意願,強烈聲明不滿於中華人民共和國所擬制的 “反分裂國家法” 及呈遞抗議涵。邀請所有愛台灣、暢行民主自由以及擁護和平的人士參與。
日期:                  二月十九日(星期六)
時間:           上午十一點  至 中午
地點:           舊金山中國總領事館前 [ 1450 Laguna St.  San Francisco, CA 94115]
在Laguna St上, 介於 Geary Blvd 和Cleary Ct 之間
主辦單位:        全僑民主和平聯盟美國北加州支盟
聯絡:                  王龍文       (408)230-3151
            陳榮良       (916)402-6363
            葉主國       (650)678-9799

Peaceful Demonstration
Invite everyone who loves Taiwan, and people who pursue democracy, freedom and peace.
China’s communist government must respect Taiwanese people’s determination. We strongly against China’s communist government to pass the "anti-secession law," that would have a severe impact on cross-strait relations and on the peace and stability of the region. Firstly, as the name of the law clearly entails, China wishes to declare the current status quo in the Taiwan Strait as "unified" and not "separate", a claim that runs counter to the present cross-strait political reality of "two separate and equal entities" and is tantamount to unilaterally changing the status quo. Secondly, in formulating the "anti-secession law", China wishes to establish itself as the sole force that can dominate and shape the cross-strait environment at will. In doing so, China completely ignores the international community's understanding of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. China not only threatens to seriously damage regional peace and stability, but does so in a provocative defiance of the global community that is very concerned about security and stability in the region. In particular, China authorizes itself to interpret the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, thus violating the interests of other nations in this region. Another point to consider is that Taiwan is a pluralistic, democratic society where the population enjoys freedom of speech. Although China's proposed "anti-secession law" is a domestic law, the fact is that for Taiwanese businesspeople investing in China, Taiwanese students and tourists in the mainland, and even international corporations, this law will constitute a form of "red terror", which in turn will certainly affect normal exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. The maintenance of cross-strait peace and stability is not only the sincere desire of all the people of Taiwan, but is also the joint wish of the international community.
Date:                February 19, 2005 (Saturday)
Time:                11:00AM to Noon
Location:        San Francisco China consulate general office
Address:                1450 Laguna St.  San Francisco, CA 94115
[Cross Street: Between Cleary Ct and Geary Blvd]
Contact:                Larry Wang                (408)230-3151
                Jong Chen                (916)402-6363
                        Peter Yeh                (650)678-9799
Host by Global Alliance for Democracy and Peace, North California Chapter
Hua 發表於 2005-2-15 23:33:09 | 顯示全部樓層
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