本帖最後由 claremont856 於 2012-10-24 01:31 PM 編輯
全新裝潢公寓 1房或2房公寓都有 常年出租 本訊息整年有效
1bed room$1095/2bed rooms $1295
近拉文大學,close to university of La Verne
2卧室1廳1衛公寓出租 獨立門戶 不受房東打擾 歡迎同學合租
租金 $1295/押金 $500
這是一户附有2卧室公寓,全新裝潢 全新油漆.全新地毯.近新地磚 附有内崁式衣櫃.房間寬敞,冷氣,冰箱,内建厨具. 厨房附全新櫥櫃和花崗岩造型台面. 走路就到大学城,緊鄰Claremont village and colleges 例如 Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Pitzer, Scripps, Claremont McKenna, Claremont Graduate University, Keck Graduate Institute, and the Claremont School of Theology. 開車5-10分鐘就到 Cal-Poly Pomona, University of La Verne, and Western University of Health Sciences. 另有1卧室1廳1衛公寓出租$1095 歡迎洽詢
看屋租屋請直接聯絡Mrs. Weber , (909) 624-7383.
Claremont Gardens Apartments
856 W. Bonita Ave. Claremont CA, 91711