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預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Room for rent 房屋出租近SFSU / CCSF(ingleside / SFSU / CCSF) attach_img jayangwang 2016-12-11 13792 kellychen1228 2017-1-3 08:18
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山日落區Sunset雅房出租 attach_img recommend lch220127 2016-12-27 13613 kellychen1228 2017-1-3 08:17
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山独立客厅出租,550刀/月,步行可达balboa park bart station attachment quinn7 2016-12-26 32910 quinn7 2016-12-26 20:01
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Sunset nice room yikoufan 2016-12-25 02247 yikoufan 2016-12-25 15:02
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 學生回臺 短期出租 便宜 交通方便 attach_img fionaho 2016-12-25 02754 fionaho 2016-12-25 01:14
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 三潘市楼上光亮单房出租 $975 (合市立及卅立大学生) attach_img sinarterang 2016-12-14 02847 sinarterang 2016-12-14 12:46
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山日落區 - 270尺大房間出租,即刻入住 Choulee 2016-12-8 02422 Choulee 2016-12-8 09:42
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山.日落區 Sunset 近洲立大學.雅房出租.男生優先. Jueey 2016-12-4 02348 Jueey 2016-12-4 23:33
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] AAU 校車停正樓下 有房出租!^^ chihanlee512 2016-11-23 02428 chihanlee512 2016-11-23 07:24
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Daly city 寒假短租 attach_img rocksf 2016-11-19 02366 rocksf 2016-11-19 22:36
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山雅房出租 $850/月 jennsleeping 2016-11-18 02497 jennsleeping 2016-11-18 19:19
預覽 [Apartments] down town 市中心找長租 Geary and Leavevnworth 大房間出租 attach_img 4159108373 2016-11-18 03508 4159108373 2016-11-18 00:05
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山市區3bayside village 2017起長租 $810/月 shanshan558342 2016-11-11 02838 shanshan558342 2016-11-11 14:21
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山日落區Sunset雅房出租(長短租皆可) recommend lch220127 2016-9-24 23758 lch220127 2016-11-8 13:45
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山日落區 - 超大房間出租 Choulee 2016-11-2 02396 Choulee 2016-11-2 21:09
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Sunset雅房出租 (女學生) attach_img wufamily 2016-8-26 13192 kellychen1228 2016-10-27 18:11
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] sunset,樓上幹淨房間,有家具 sky890 2016-8-19 13045 kellychen1228 2016-10-27 18:10
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 獨立衛浴雅房無炊人士$900卅月 chipoworld 2016-9-29 12702 kellychen1228 2016-10-27 18:03
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] sunset 雅房出租 (限女學生) wufamily 2016-8-21 12717 kellychen1228 2016-10-27 17:55
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 三番市Richmond Geary16街短租 4159108373 2016-10-18 12474 4159108373 2016-10-21 10:46
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