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預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 2013 年3月左右出租一個房間. San Francisco city chihanlee 2012-3-4 03757 chihanlee 2012-3-4 10:56
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 舊金山州立大學旁 新房間出租 $600 全包 recommend fionaho 2012-3-1 06280 fionaho 2012-3-1 00:23
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 徵室友,in-law分租,位於日落區 24街。三月底可入住。 38James 2012-2-25 04343 38James 2012-2-25 17:11
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 大房近SFSU步行2分鐘 M Car 坐車5分鐘到學校,可直達市中心AAU或CCSF.交通方便 MAGGIECHEN 2012-2-23 05483 MAGGIECHEN 2012-2-23 14:13
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 兩個新建的臥室近CITY COLLEGE aznpc937 2012-2-22 04868 aznpc937 2012-2-22 01:45
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] One Furnished In-Law Room for rent in a safe and convenient location for $595! tloh2010 2012-2-20 04733 tloh2010 2012-2-20 12:58
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] parkmerce小房550包水電網路 暑假短期出租 s20050708 2012-2-10 05631 s20050708 2012-2-10 21:08
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] $735大卧室 包水電網路 SFSU & Stonestown 隔壁 attach_img puyuan0315 2012-2-2 25876 iamedison 2012-2-6 12:20
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Sf Sunset 雅房出租 attach_img Len 2012-1-29 17708 Len 2012-2-4 18:05
預覽 [Single House] 1室1厅1卫. 独立出口. daly city . westlake shopping center 附近 attach_img duyjdustin 2012-1-30 89766 duyjdustin 2012-1-31 11:43
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Sunset 區大房間出租 Choulee 2012-1-30 05504 Choulee 2012-1-30 22:56
預覽 [Apartments] 出租$905大房间 距离工业设计楼一分钟 好奇小佳 2012-1-14 16329 好奇小佳 2012-1-14 13:33
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Fillmore Center 一室一厅内客厅出租∼ 征女生室友 bellagu1121 2012-1-13 015968 bellagu1121 2012-1-13 11:44
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