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預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine房間出租,月租750 attach_img Angechan 2015-9-21 02774 Angechan 2015-9-21 10:05
預覽 [Single House] Chino ella 2015-9-16 03879 ella 2015-9-16 18:57
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Room share-Stanton $750 attach_img karencha 2015-9-14 03776 karencha 2015-9-14 15:06
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] COVINA 雅房及主臥室 分租(month to month) attach_img qoohere 2015-9-6 03027 qoohere 2015-9-6 11:28
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine: 大單人套房-----無/簡炊者 $875. 炊者 $975. 10/10/2015 Available sailorjin 2015-8-31 03474 sailorjin 2015-8-31 12:47
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Rancho Cucamonga 二雅房出租 $500/間 attach_img Janeinla 2015-8-24 03365 Janeinla 2015-8-24 11:56
預覽 [Apartments] Irvine 2 bed/2 bath For Rent from 11/01/2015 attach_img superwhite2010 2015-8-21 03305 superwhite2010 2015-8-21 22:49
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine venush 2015-8-13 12850 venush 2015-8-20 20:42
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區單房出租, 月租$700- 即日可入住 elvis_jeng 2015-8-17 02843 elvis_jeng 2015-8-17 13:54
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine房間出租,月租750 Angechan 2015-8-14 02547 Angechan 2015-8-14 14:54
預覽 [Single House] 两房出租 attachment marychang0506 2015-8-12 03549 marychang0506 2015-8-12 22:29
預覽 [Apartments] UH Fullerton 轉租 sheryl91 2015-8-10 03756 sheryl91 2015-8-10 12:53
預覽 [Apartments] = Irvine套房短期出租 = 7/3-9/30 attach_img wannyfeng 2015-6-12 24341 wannyfeng 2015-8-7 15:12
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Upland 房間出租 即日可入住 attach_img slmjj 2015-8-7 03926 slmjj 2015-8-7 10:10
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Rowland Heights羅蘭崗獨棟雅房出租$500 jerhan 2015-7-30 04278 jerhan 2015-7-30 17:34
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 北 阿汗布拉 ALHAMBRA 單人房出租 $500 cwjerry 2015-6-12 02744 cwjerry 2015-6-12 13:26
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Rowland Heights 雅房出租 attach_img will0720 2015-6-9 03580 will0720 2015-6-9 14:55
預覽 [Single House] 獨立屋single house出租 teresa_1233 2015-5-31 04231 teresa_1233 2015-5-31 17:09
預覽 [Apartments] 兩單位出租, 步行距離達UCLA (區號:90024) nico_t 2015-5-23 02919 nico_t 2015-5-23 20:42
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine Room Rental 雅房出租 IrvineRoomRent 2015-5-18 03753 IrvineRoomRent 2015-5-18 23:50
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