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預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 雅房出租 近UC Irvine, Concordia University (Irvine) 限女生 ucistar 2014-8-5 03832 ucistar 2014-8-5 15:52
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] west covina 套房出租 attach_img PAIE33 2014-8-1 03164 PAIE33 2014-8-1 01:12
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine Room for Rent Angechan 2014-7-29 02762 Angechan 2014-7-29 08:45
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 獨立衛浴,house一單間雅房分租 知更鳥 2014-7-28 03968 知更鳥 2014-7-28 10:05
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Room for shares jackie92649 2014-7-27 14411 jackie92649 2014-7-27 11:47
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine Valley College爾灣社區大學旁雅房分租 tangyiing 2014-7-17 02717 tangyiing 2014-7-17 17:57
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] IRVINE 雅房出租 10 月20日起租(短租三個月) irvine 2014-7-15 02513 irvine 2014-7-15 13:24
預覽 [Single House] Claremont & La Verne house出租 teresa_1233 2014-7-14 04494 teresa_1233 2014-7-14 12:46
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine apartment 分租 camelliabobo 2014-7-5 12699 wannyfeng 2014-7-13 10:32
預覽 [Apartments] Irvine 公寓分租,附獨立衛浴 superwhite2010 2014-7-11 03800 superwhite2010 2014-7-11 16:44
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Covina 雅房出租(公用衛浴) (靠近Mt. SAC , Calpoly 與 10號公路.)$460/m attach_img VING 2014-7-6 03550 VING 2014-7-6 14:29
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] CSU, Northridge旁附近小社區 雅房分租 約$700上下 vector1033 2014-6-26 02968 vector1033 2014-6-26 15:27
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 爾灣雅房出租 歡迎上班族 chienshh 2014-4-15 14840 wannyfeng 2014-6-19 23:34
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] west covina 套房出租 attach_img PAIE33 2014-6-18 04060 PAIE33 2014-6-18 11:39
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] west covina 套房出租 attach_img PAIE33 2014-6-6 02929 PAIE33 2014-6-6 15:51
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 房 間 出 租 $750 lordaiur 2014-5-25 03791 lordaiur 2014-5-25 19:08
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Irvine 爾灣=== 月租 $590 or $570 (單身房) sailorjin 2014-5-19 03768 sailorjin 2014-5-19 21:51
預覽 [Apartments] CSUFullerton Apartment For Rent (Fullerton 公寓出租) bee52077 2014-5-5 03930 bee52077 2014-5-5 11:56
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 近UCLA套房出租近Sprouts超市 $750限女 attach_img utokublue 2014-5-3 03772 utokublue 2014-5-3 21:47
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 取消 elvis_jeng 2014-2-23 13229 elvis_jeng 2014-5-2 12:51
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