本帖最後由 nico_t 於 2015-5-23 09:45 PM 編輯
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UCLA 鄰近的房市資訊
大家好,我叫Nicole,現於Keller Williams Realty工作。
如果您在考慮置業或有需要幫忙解決住宿問題。可以跟我聯絡。 電郵地址:ptsai@kw.com
My name is Nicole. I am a real estate agentwith Keller Williams Realty.
I can assist you to find your ideal living location in Los Angeles area. If you are seeking
apartment to stay during academic years with a budget, you can contact me at ptsai@kw.com,
or leave a message below.
出售: 高尚宽敞2B/2B CONDO (區號:90049)
鄰近Brentwood Village, Brentwood country club側
面積:1212 sf, 位於Bundy Dr.上, 近Montana Ave
物業管理費 (HOA): $530/月
查詢更多房源資訊/ 看房預約:ptsai@kw.com
For Sale: Elegant, spacious 2B/2B condo on Bundy dr. in Brentwood (zip: 90049)
A beautiful, renovated condo located on the desire Brentwood village.
Next to Brentwood country club, near Montana ave
Built: 1969. Size: 1212 sf. With 2 parking spaces
HOA: $530/month
Listing price: $729K
For more information/ Showing appointment, please contact: ptsai@kw.com
